পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৭০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

[ c Gizi, s. a fashion, a form, ashape, a manner, method, an attitude, a mien, gait. costs, s. shape and fashion, a gait. cuisixtifF4, or offixirs, a fashionable, according to fashion, well formed. ঢাক B, the fourteenth consonant. It has the power of d h in holy rood-house. 5A, the sound of a bell: 3. manners, habit. 5¢, v. a. to shove, to push: s. a shove, a 5.5, s, weight (for scales) a thing. [push. Ezo, s. a drum, a large Indian drum. 5*, s. an imposter, a swindler; manners. Bol, a blasted, faded, withered, dried up. Boss, s. a shaking or tottering motion. Bassol, a tottering, exceedingly weak. 5*, s, the same as coià. 52(5&i, UAEA, s. the sound of wet drum. 52(5foil, a. sounding like a wet drum. Bă, v. m. to decline, slope, fall, to be aslant, inclined: 8. slanting stream,fall of hilly waters in a river: a loose, slack. Bāzūzī1, s. mountain streams, descending of muddy hill waters into the rivers. 551, v. to make known an evil conduct, to be lewd, to proclaim one's own disgrace. Bosto, Bosts, 8. the proclaiming of one's own disgrace by a course of lewdness. 5:it:st, a. publishing her disgrace by her lewdness: s. a coquette, a lewd woman. 5&F, v. to demolish, decline, revolve, pass away: a loose, slack, lax: s. slackness. Boo, s. a being demolished; the declining of a luminary: a loose, not tight. Bol, v. a. to demolish, to pass, to decline. GEHİR, s. a passing, declining of a luminary when it has passed the meridian. Goff, s, the declension of a luminary. 5555,8, a sparklingappearance of a gem or water:a, loose, slack;-3, to sparkle. 5&B soil, a sparkling, fluid, loose, slack. 57, v. a. to moulder, to crumble, fall in. Boil, v. a. to cause to crumble or break off in large pieces: a crumbled down. Brita, s. a causing the banks of a river to break: a, broken, mouldered, fallen in. 5so, v.a. to cover, conceal; s. a big drum. 158 | ថ្កុំថ្ម do. ঢাককাটী, s. a drum-stick. Bros, S. the act of covering or concealing. 5toni, 5fosso, s. a cover, a lid, a covering. FTFzft, s. a cover, a lid: a. fem. covering. Issol, v. a. to cause to cover or conceal: s. name of a city: a, covered, concealed. EtzG|Cossi, s.a screen, a fence, a shade: a. covered, fenced, screened. 5 sof.5sol, a covered, concealed, fenced. FfFt, s. a drummer. ঢাকুন, s, a screen, fence, cover, lid. 5iosi, 8. a concourse of people, a mob. Gio v.a. to cover, to conceal. [to cover. 51*1, 51°, s. a covering: a covered; -71, WTSIZT1, 8. a goose. 5F, w to pour, to spill, cast in a mould: 8 ashield; aslope, declivity, obliquity: a. aslant, aslope, inclined, oblique. 5ísio, s. the act of pouring or casting. GİSİl, v. a. to cause to pour out, or cast metal in a mould: a. poured out, cast. 5fif$331, s, the loading and unloading of a boator other vessels, a pouring over. Bioison, a. poured out, cast: s. a causing to pour out liquor, or to cast metals. BTit, a. wearing or using a shield. füfoot, s, a tottering motion. [flaccid. füfosal, or fūfīfāśl, a tottering, flabby, füzi, s. sound of a blow on the back, or the fall of a clod, a cocoanut, etc. fBorn, f5 offR, s. a smiting, givingblows. f5°iff, footff, s, a smiting with the fist, f5?s, v. to smite with the fist. [pugilism. füzil, fūfī,8. a heap, a pile, accumulation. footfäzil, füffs, z, ad. in heaps or piles. fözúJs, s. a piece of wadding, a plug. füziris, a bulky, fat, stout, unwieldy. föss, a. mild, gentle, cool, dispassionate. fööt, a. slake: s. a clod, a brickbat; slackness, procrastination;-offs, to pelt at. fosfossos, a flabby, flaccid. “[lazy, lax. foil, a loose, slack, flaccid, dilatory, slow, fääts, or foissot,s, slackness, looseness, flaccidity, laxity, negligence, laziness. G. s. a butting with the head as a ram, etc. ū, v. a. to seek, to search: s. search. छं চূড়ন, 3:52, s. a seeking, a searching for.