পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৭৬

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  • H, v. n. to sink to the bottom. woi, s.under-part of anything, the bottom

depth, a pit, a hole, a chasm, lowness, inferiority, a stand or support, a base. too, ad. till, until: a strong (as tobacco). তলদার্বাশ,s. aspeciesofbambu (Bambusa Rožićviş, s, the abdomen, pelvis. [tulda). oic-fossă, s. a cobler, a bungler. &#12 stor, s. a slap, a flat-handed blow. Roig-Fs, ETCSFT}l, s. a fountain, spring. *śāz, s. asummons; wages;-fööt, a written summons. [swordsman. Rozsts, s. a sword, a cimeter; -offst, a Rožiūf, s, a valley, the lowland. rozief, a fathomable, shallow. Rol, v. n. to sink to the bottom:s. the bottom, under part, lower part, base. toilofs, a. aiding secretly, backbiting: s. the collecting of things, aid, assistance. Roiss, s, the bottom part; a cane-mat. Üßissoi, s. a division of infernal regions. Roits, s. a sinking to the bottom: a. sunk. wāif, s, the bottom, what settles at the *55; 4, s. a pond, a pit, a tank. [bottom. Rosičići, s. the earthing up of plants, a Ryń13, ad. at the bottom. [pavement. Roszi, s. search; -o, to search, to seek. Roitfit, a. searching: s. a searcher, search. Rožň, a beneath, under, lying at the bottom:s. the sole of a shoe, or of the foot. wo, s, the last player (in a game). TF 1, s. a large earthen pot. woi, ad. beneath, under, at the bottom, subject to, under the power of. ÜCoco, ad. beneath, under, secretly. vaßât, s. softness, softness of a bog. wofol, a. soft, shaking, quavering as a roof, s. a bed, a tower, a turret. [bog. Root, s. a bundle, a package, a parcel. Roq, s. that mark or sign. [writing. Ross foss, a. written by him or her: S. that Üfgifos, s. that writing, that treatise. &#Costs, off, s, a fountain, spring. oãGottfägi, a bubbling up, flowing. **sail, s. a brass vessel; the bar of a door. Efö, s. obstinacy, stiffness, pertinacity. sēji, sēJfgz,a.stiff,obstinate,stubborn. [ 164 ) তাক

      • IN1, 8, a thong, leather, a strap. Úrigs, s. a coarse sort of silk stuff. *&##t, s. comfort, consolation. rofo, s. a level bar upon which a pedal works, a pivot, the fulcrum of a lever. S EZT, s, a thief, a robber. SH;#ft, s. thievishness, theft. *off, s. affliction, trouble, distress. *ot, s. a rosary, a string of beads, [ing. Rosátá, s. a picture, a print.portrait,draw*off, s, the ordinances of a prophet. GHJ, pron. his, hers, its. *53, s. a layer, a stratum, a fold. [tion. *śālā, or woots, s. certainty, examina*o-stol, s aroom underground, a cellar. Roti, s, treasury, cash, trust; -Wiżs, acashier, a treasurer; -wift, treasurership. Ross, s. an accusation, censure, an asperEgzist, s. an accuser, a censurer. [sion. Egzstā,s.acollection oftherevenue; -FİF,

a revenue collector; -osoft, his office. Ei, s. a sheet (of paper); a heating: pron. that: v. a. to heat, bake, blow a fire; -71, to sit on eggs (as a fowl). [hands. Rojo, pron, even that: s.theclapping of the *তাইদাদ, s, enumeration, a summing up. Rols, s. anger, wrath, heat, a fold of cloth or paper, a sheet of paper; -5, to fold. Rosso, s. a heating, the heating of iron, etc. SİS Eli, v. a. the same as ETai. Wiggs, s. the causing a thing to be heated, a provoking to anger: a heated. so, a contr. of Effä-2, y Tsi7l, which see. তাইত, s. a loom; a cord, catgut, a thong. Rātā of, s. care or strictness on business. Rště, s. a weaver's sley or geer, a loom, catgut, the string of a musical instrument. *śrs of 31, a fresh cut from the loom. *śfssifyl, s. a hole in the ground in which the treddles of a weaver's loom play. §ss-isoil, s. a weaver's workshop. Räsät, s. a weaver, a cotton-weaver. $141, s. copper: a copper-coloured, red. তাক, তাগs C. a. to view, look at, aim: s. a stage, a shelf, a looking at, aiming. *ssas, of offt, s, force, strength. Rosso, S. looking at or surveying a thing.