পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৮৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ल? [ Řas, s. soft dirt, mud, mire, abog, amarsh. Rfer, s. a weaver's sley. [tion. wo, s, a glowing redness, an inflammawofol, a glowing, fervid, red. R*, a clever, active, dexterous, expert, skilful, acute, able: s. Brahmā's son. Rosasaji, or wool, s, names of Durgā. ***I's of, s, the destruction of Dakshya's sacrifice; fig, an entire failure or disappointment in an undertaking. ofol, s. the south, right hand side; -oss, or -sil, to go to the abodes of death. দক্ষিণদিক s দক্ষিণদিগ, 8. the south quarter. wfoscot, ad southerly, to the south. wfoot, s. the south country. wfootago, s, one who keeps concubines yet has unabated affection for his wife. wfootos, s, the southern part. [zone. wfoothscots;zzo, s. southern temperate wfo do g, s. the right hand. [ceptor. Wfool, s. a fee given to a bráhman or prewforfeo, a facing the south. [south. wfootzin, s. sun's course from north to *W*I*,8. possession, a holding subjection. Ratzirgizs, s. a possessor, a holder. W-sīt, a. possessed, held, subject to. *H5f1.s. deceit, imposture, treachery:-FIT, traitor, impostor;-offt, deceit, perfidy. Rsită și, s. a cheat, traitor, impostor. Woffo iss, s. cheating, deceit, treachery, Wstās, s. aglowing, redness. [fraud. w85, a burnt, consumed, scorched, singed. wzāl, a unpropitious (day). wfool, s, half-burnt rice, parched rice. W*, Wol, s. sedition, mutiny, affray, disturbance, uproar, hubbub, tumult. R*Izišī, a.seditious, mutinous, factious. Wolsi,a.wicked,oppressive, overbearing. Wüssgivial, s, wickedness, oppressiveness. wo, a hard, firm, tough, stiff, brittle. Wol, s. a cord, a hawser, a thick rope. w$1, s. a cord, a rope, a string. [ysm. W Köl, v. a. to inflame, irritate: s. a paroxRyoir,s. the bringing on of a paroxysm. W$Ji, s. a rope-maker, maker of cordage. দড়দড় ad. swiftly, hastily, on a sudden. WF, a. strong, hard, firm, stiff, tough. 175 | দস্তু WWWW, ad firmly, strongly. [five seras. ws, s, a measure of capacity containing Ros, s. punishment, chastisement, fine, mulct, staff, stick handle of a tool, stem, an oar, churning staff, an Indian hour, apole, a pilgrim's staff, a sceptre. দগু-কর্ত্তা, -WT51, 8, one who punishesothers. Woos, a holding or bearing the pilgrim's staff, wielding a sceptre: e. a king. wootst, a.bearing a staff: s. amendicant. Wootozo, s. a constable, bailiff. [justice. ass-stfe, s. duties of a king, viz. impartial ws:sty, a. punishable, liable to a fine. Fssze, s. prostration,obeisance, a bow: a. like a staff কৃ, to bow, to prostrate. WootsItsTJ, asetė, a. punishable, finable. wsel, v. m. to stand erect, to stand still. Wessors, s. a blow with a staff. [nation. westāl, s. a judicial sentence of condemWestgata, a. standing, standing erect. Westers, s. the condition of a pilgrim. assissist, a. assuming the pilgrim's staff. west, a, bearing a pilgrim's staff: s. a pil grim, religious mendicant. Wes), a. punishable, liable to fine. nē, a. given, bestowed, given away: s. a title of the E[indus of the writer caste. Rēzeo E, s. an adopted son. Wözt"l, a yielding to martyrdom. Wol, a given in marriage: s. a betrothed Wütol, a.self-given(adopted son). [maid. Woo, s. the ringworm, tetter. | curds. off, Wä, s. curds; -woo, the churning of Wą, s, one of the daughters of Dakshya. THE, a born of Danu: s. a demou. Wą, s. a tooth, the fang of a snake, a tusk. waff off, s, the gnashing of the teeth. wgoso, s, the lips, covering for the teeth. Wotan, s, the washing of the teeth. Rowal, or Wolf, s, the tooth-ache. Woo, s, the root or spur of a tooth, the Ass F, a.toothed,tusked, fanged [gumsদস্তরহিত, দন্তপূন্য, দন্তহীন, a, toothless. Astoriot, s. a tooth-pick. waists, s. a blow on the teeth; a biting. ot, a tusked: 8, a medicinal plant; an RSF, a. having large teeth. Lelephant.