দল I 177 | Wootto, a, employed by monthly wages. *ngfosta, s. the midst, an interval: ad. in the midst, before, in view. *wğCğTİ şf, ad. daily, every day. W31, a mouldering, putrid, musty. Wąsos, a, long, wide, ample, capacious. *W*Ifs, e. the value or price of anything. wfos, a poor, indigent, needy. [ness. wfool, s, poverty, indigence, wretched*wfīzil, s, a river, the sea. *offixto, s. a conceiving, a thinking, consideration, discrimination.Lavalley. oft, a modern, new: s. a carpet; a glen, *R;ftạfĒ, s. asea-faringman: a.sea-born. Wotatocysts, e. the morse, the hippopoWān, ad, within, in, of, relating. [tamus. *WCosszú, a. all, the whole, entire. wof, s. a boasting, pride, arrogance, self importance, vanity, courage, energy. ofa, s. a looking-glass, mirror; the eye. wofolo, ad, arrogantly, proudly. wfoss, a boasted, arrogated. [insulting. Woff, a. proud, arrogant, self-important, Wost, s. a spoon, a ladle. Há, s. a species of sacred grass. [view. Wot, v. to appear, to be seen, to come into wofo, a. seeing, beholding, showing, surveying: s. one who sees, or shows. , s. a seeing, an interview, aprospect, a scene, a view, a survey, a visit, dream, vision, the eye, a mirror, the doctrines or particular views of the vedas. wofol, s, one who sees,one who shows. ofassà, e. the mere view of a thing. *fist, s. a present, a gift on a visit. [ful. wofoto, a visible, fit to be seen, beautiদর্শনীয়ত, 8. visibility, a visible state. woof", w.a. to show, to exhibit, to display. Woffo, s.ashowing,exhibiting, displaying. of-to, a. seen, viewed, beheld, showed, exhibited, displayed, exposed to view. off, a. seeing, beholding, viewing. It is used in comp. as, দুর দশা, বহুদশী, &c. WEH, v. a. to tread down, trample, knead: 3. a sheath, leaf, a heap; thickness. wā, s. a portion, fragment, a gang, party, a body of troops, a blade of grass, or 2 A দশ of a knife, a leaf, the petal of a flower, thickness, a sail, an aquatic grass.” Wsz, a. soaking, unintermitted, incessant Rosso, a thick; petalled. [(as a shower). Węsa, s. a treading under the feet. Woolfè, e. the leader of a party, the com mander of a body of troops. wo-stoft, e. a species of bird.” Wol, v. 4. to cause to trample on or tread down: s. clod, a ball, a lump. [party. Wąsoso, a joined to a party, seized by a Wąsos, s. opposite parties, factions [ing. wätofo, s. a mutual trampling or squeezWolfo, s, the trampling of a thing; a hall. wfos, a full blown, expanded, split, broken, divided, trodden on, trodden down. *Rostgī, s. a vestibule, a portico, porch. *a*sūl, s. a kind offrumenty. [argument. Waita, s. demonstration, testimony, proof, Wol, s. a particular sort of sugar, a ball of rice: a boggy, quivering like a bog. FSUFFI, s. the quivering motion of a bog. Wääsääl, or Woost, a, boggy, marshy. Hāgā, s. the suite of a great personage. Wąsos, s. a broker. Watso, s. brokerage. w*t, a. ten;-«Ta, ten pieces;-goi, tenfold. W"top, s. in arith. ten gandás. Woof, s, the ten actions necessary to the bráhmans, kshetriyas, and vaishyas. n*fāzi, s. a small book for teaching nuW-ifs, wrix, a, the tenth. [meration. W-sī), wool, a ten (applied to things). R*ifsts, ten points, viz. four cardinal, four intermediate, the nadir and the zenith. W*tol, ad. of ten sorts, in ten manners. R*ta, s. a tooth, a tusk, fang. [shráddha. w*tfwis, e, ten funeral cakesoffered before a*f*if*, a. decennial. [the Hindus. W*Ifoghost or, e. the ten sacraments of wornivos, s. the tenth part, a tithe. worst, a the tenth (lunar day). [roots. *tolos. s. a medicament composed often ****15, s. a decoction of dashmül. wergrof, s, aking of Oude, father of Rama. wool, e. the frizzled end of cloth, a period or time of life, a state, condition, circumstance,apredicament,alamp-wick.
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