लैंजूि weston, wrizo, s. the names of Rāvana. worrors, a placed in a state or condition. worsefa, s. the ten incarnations of WishRostāta, a unlucky, destitute. [ոս. *W*, *, the hand; stool; -oto, a signature. *Woo, s. a voucher, a receipt, a pass for goods, a permit, a passport, a writ. Tgi, s. pewter, zinc, lapis calaminaris. wool, s. a pair of gloves. [regulation. wog, s. a custom, fashion, a mode, a rule, Woof!, s. custom, allowance for prompt WEI, s. a plunderer, a robber. [payment. Jes, s, fear of robbers, or thieves. WHJKCoi, ad like a robber. [whirlpool. wa, s. a deep place in a river, an abyss, a wo, s. the burning of a thing. [burnt. Wootto, a combustible, intended to be দহরম, দহর মমহরম, s. love, friendship. W!, v. a. to give, bestow, permit, grant, accord, to dispense with, to pay,to offer. W1, 8, a bill-hook, a sickle: v. a. to reap. RTP, s, a midwife, a nurse, a cookwoman, wföw, s, a ringworm, tetter: king David. wièfoil, s. a reaper, mower. wig, Wiggits, s, the convenience of holding,or of giving a blow,an opportunity. Wiggi, s. a claim, a pretension, an allega tion, a charge, a plaint. #TE, s, an oar, a paddle,a perch; penalty, a fine; -oto, a raven; -issot, to row. झें Woosi, 8 an open square near 8. temple. #Too, s. an inflicting offines or penalties. ãol, v. m. to stand, to be erect: s. a custom, habit, conduct, rule,commonpractice, a fashion, a method, a mode, a staff, a bat to play with, a perch, a clue, a guide,the backbone: a fined, standing. #tytsfä, s. the game of crickets or cats. #Totătsy, s. manners and customs. #Tytosol, s, the adhering to a custom. #sofa, s. a standing erect: a standing. #Totos, s. a species of harmless snake. দাড়ী, s. a rower, a waterman, an ignorant person, beam of a pair of scales, a narrow causey,the mark (1) or a full stop. #Räivitial, s. a pair of scales. দাড়ক, 8. a pair of stocks, a woodenfetter. I 178 1 क्रांप्री WI5, 8. a tooth, a tusk, fang, a serrature. àtol, s, painful tumour of the molaris. its off, s, lockjaw, the locked-jaw. ћfteristih, s idem; a biting of the lips. #to, s a small stick used to cleanse the teeth, the cleaning of the teeth. #toil, s, a gum-boil, sore in the gum. দতিশৃল, দতিশৃল,৪ the tooth-ache. [boar. #Tsfasi, a tusked,having large teeth: s. a #ife, s. a snaffle, the having large teeth; locked-jaw; -ā1st, to have locked-jaw. àtol, a dentate, large-toothed. [city. WIoj, s. skill, address, talent, ability, capaWiforâ, s. insertion, arrival at, a deliverHIfotzil, s. a receipt, acquittance. [ing of. Wis., v. a. to mark, stain,brand: s. a mark, a blot, a stain, a blemish,a badge,acicatrice, a scar; -Wł, or -o, to stain, mark, blot; -offs, to imbibe a stain or mark. Wissatà1, a. marked, stained, spotted. Wissatsui, s. repairing of cracks in a roof. WisTi, a. branded, marked; vide i5ti, &c. Wiśst, a. spotted, stained, marked, blotted. TI3K51, a. scabrous, callous, rough. WIS FfHfS gl, ad. scabrous, with callosities. দাঙ্গা, দাঙ্গাবাজ, vide দঙ্গ, দঙ্গ1, দঙ্গাবাজWTy, KT31, 8. a tooth, a fang, a serrature, serratures on the legs orantennæ ofan insect, the forceps of an insect, claws of a crab or lobster, the ward of a key. WTofo, s. a raven, a carrion crow. KTETF, TIFF,a. serrated, dentated. HIf5, äff,5, Rißt, s. the chin, the beard. Wtfg*, s. pomegranate (Punica granata). Wiesl, s, a club, a play bat, the bed-posts. WREZT, a. proper to be given. [son. HIE1, s. agiver, a liberal or bountiful perRTG si, -să, s. liberality,bountifulness,munificence, generosity, charitableness. WTootfo, s. an ability to give, a liberal WIG, s. a sickle, a bill-hook. [disposition. KIT, 8. equity, law, revenge, the retaliation of an evil; the ringworm; -মর্দ্দন, a plant used to cure the ringworm.” WIWolff, s, a fine variety of rice. WTWR, s. an advance of money for work. WIW 4t, s. money advanced for work,
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/১৯০
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