- তান অনপত্য, অনপত্যক, a. childless. sztof Hof, a shameless, bold, impudent. otos.stco, s. a victim, one suffering for no crime. stazio's, a not stolen or taken away. ozoitz, a not subject to loss, uninjurisztofag, a. independent, satisfied. Tous. sȚzrazrz,a.incessant, perpetual, constant. stafsso, a. ignorant, stupid. ofol, s, ignorance, stupidity. szʊTHI, a. unworthy of honour. *তানমোল, a. cide অমূল্য, s="#ff, a. invaluable, high-prized.: safggíz, a unacquired. of, a useless, answering no purpose. *Notofo, a, unmeaning, useless, vain. ofol, s, uselessness, vanity. ofoss, a not appointed or delegated. Roof, s, fire; a species of reed.” ozoto, s. abstinence from food. otsto, s. improper conduct, impurity. STRISTzft, a. impure, unclean, wicked. of goz, a. unostentatious, modest. oriot, a, unprotected, forlorn, orphan. SGUtforst, a. fem. forlorn, unprotected. *Iaiwg, s. disrespect, want of civility. *Iaiso, s. eternal, without beginning. voz fel, s. eternity. stattoos, a. inadmissible, unacceptable. ontol, s, inadmissibility. NatWJ, a not prior, not first. *Toj, a unconquerable, invincible. SITTEITH, s. pineapple (Bromelia ananas). *I*T*sjö, a. unnecessary, needless. STATIS,auncovered, unguarded, exposed. অনাবৃষ্টি, s. drought, a scarcity of rain. *5(Risis, a. whole, entire. Roots[7, s. health. ss=UTFTTE1, -ëa, s. healthiness. অনামিক, অনাম, ৪. the ring-finger. on 1345, a. without owner, unclaimed. Soto, a. not extended, short. of Ig, a. independent, untamed. & Rio Toi, s. ease, facility: a. easy.: & Toto, a, easily done, or made. *Intolicoi, ad. easily, without difficulty. NR=\f{õ, a incessant, perpetual. [ 8 || আনি offers, a not dependant on. STFITfāzē, a. noseless. of £1,8. incredulity, want of confidence. staffo, a. incredulous. STRIÚog H, a. incredible, unfit to be conঅনাস্বাদু, a tasteless, insipid. [fided. Rosato, a. not smitten: s. the breast. otoss, a fasting: s. abstinence. ofotost, a fasting, living without food. SUFTËS, s. uncalled, uninvited. oforso, of: a R, a not silent, noisy. of gossa, a breathless: S. want of breath. $fú, ý3, a. distant. STfFSFFT, a. immovable. অনিচ্ছ, অনিচ্ছু, অনিচ্ছুক, a. averse, involuntary, unwilling, reluctant, indifferent. Rosol, s. disrelish, aversion, reluctance. SfREJ, a. temporary, fugitive, transitory. Sofossol, s. a whim, fancy, caprice. ofol, of Rojo, s. temporariness. ofazifo, a, not hindered, not resisted. StfRATFÍJ, a. irresistible, stubborn. siffra, a. unwinking, vigilant. officia,ad.vigilantly, narrowly, closely. SIf=15, a incessant, perpetual, constant, unresolved, unfixed, undetermined, unregulated, uncontrolled. [strained. SfRzfāz, a. uncurbed, unbridled, unreofo, a. irregular: s. absence of a rule. §fosso, a, not regulated, undeterminof go, s. the husband of Ushá. [ed. sfossa, s. the not asserting of a thing. SIf:zffEJ, a. indescribable, undefinable. Rolfoto, s, want, indigence, need. sfosso, a. indifferent, needy, indigent. stfosso, s, wretchedness, want, need. অনিল, zi?, s. the wind, air. SfR*I, a. nightless, incessant, continual. siffszā, a. unprohibited, unforbidden. অনিষ্ট, a. undesired, ominous, evil. ofo, a. occasioning evil, or ill-luck. ofote, s. misfortune. is fool, a foreboding of evil. sfääBo, a, indicating evil, ominous. Sfèl, s. unsteadfastness, unsteadiness. ofaz, s. silence: a. silent. [fact. of CoR1, 8, one who does not deny a.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২০
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