পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২০২

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দ্বি ঠী w*â, quarrelsome, disputatious, litigious. ag, s. two, a pair, a brace, a couple; used only as the last member of a compound. at:4, a. standing at the door or gate. দ্বাচতারি^শং, a.42.দ্বাচতারিRশৱম,a.42nd. দ্বাত্রিঞ্চ শং,a.82. দ্বাfত্র ২শ ৰম,a.82nd. [row. aswo's, a twelve;-sfoor, 12 temples in a affi*Tj, s. a dodecahedron, parallelopipe*IWest, a, the twelth (lunar day.) [don. afraso, a, ninety-two;-&#, ninety-second. দ্বীপঞ্চাশৎ,a, fifty-two.দ্ব। পঞ্চাশৰ ম,a.52nd Hİvizs, s. 3rd yuga or chronological period of the Hindus; doubt, uncertainty. afft-wife, a twenty-two; -os, 22nd. HTT, s. a door, passage, entrance, opening, a medium of communication or action. witzrol, s. a famous city of pilgrimage. Hfg -offsĩ,-H FFE, s. a porter, door-keeper. afzso, or HT3, a being at a gate or door. assi, ad. by, through, by means of. aft, or affäzo, s. a door-keeper, a porter. দ্বাষষ্টি, a. sixty-two; -E SI, sixty-second. HIHosé, seventy-two;-so,72nd. [heard. foopsos, a.retaining what has been twice fazog, s. two hands: a, having two hands. foLoiq, two angles: a, having two angles. faāfīzol, a having two pedicels or fruitfacoosa, a.diandrous, diandrian. [stalks. fagoss, a having two seed-vessels. foots, s. two pieces: a, bisected. fassé, a bilocular, divided into two cells. fago, a. double, twofold, twice. fagas3, s. a peculiar Hindu method of working a sum in multiplication. দ্বিচতারি^শৎ, a. 42. দ্বিচতারি^শৰ ম, 42nd. fassà, a bisected, cut into two. fasi, a twice-born, regenerated: s. a brāhman, abird, oviparousanimal. [birds. fasists, s. the moon; Garura, regent of fą Hits, lą HilfĒ, a, twice-born: s. a bráhfā ārštą, a. of a bráhman; hybrid. [man. fagifcizI, s. the habitation of brâhmans. fafsix, s. a serpent, a snake. - foot, a two-stringed, having two fibres. fo, a twofold, of two sorts, two. footz, a. the second. foot, ad. secondly. * [ 190 দ্বিস füštål, a the second (lunar day.) [day. Í HIJF, ad in two or three days, the other fo, s. a reduplication, repetition. [ties. fāRā, a. two-leafed, bilobated: s. two parfaWāfāfā, a drawn by both parties. faāsāāl, a.siding with both; unprincipled. foil, ad. of two sorts: s. a dilemma, a word having two meanings, a doubtful circumstance, a doubt, hesitancy. fazio, a. doubtful, precarious. [cond. fa Azfè, a. ninety-two;-&sT, the ninety-sefa vfgf*, favf*t*rg>I, a. the fifty-second. faziostors, a fifty-two. faoin, or fHotIR, a. two-footed, biped. fāzē F, a having two rows of petals. fazo, a, having two curves, bending two ways: s. in ana. the sismoid cavity. foss, s, the dual number in grammar. fa Sats, a. ending with a plural terminafazoo, a biglobose, bispherical. [tion. füß, a twofold, oftwo kinds:s. two sorts. fă Esof, s, two parts or shares;-5,to divide. so, a two-armed: 8, a figure with two fogo, fixos, a two-headed [sides. দ্বিমুখ, a. having two mouths, two-faced: s. an amphisbina, a deceitful person. fool, or safoto, a two-headed. swizio, a springing from two origins. facsif, a. digynous, having two pistils. fE A W, or ÍT-f, s. an elephant. fassission, s. a second coming of a newly married girl to her husband's house. sofa, s. a second return, or revoluso, a twice spoken, repeated. [tion. f{#ff, s, a repetition, a tautology. fazoo, a twice-married: s, twice-married fāzēņi, s twice-married woman. [man. fooi, a two-fold, of two sorts, of a doufāFořt, a. having two forms. [ble form. fac{*F, s. a humble-bee, so called from having two or in its name, viz. §3. face Isin, a. eating twice. [teeth. fassàJ, a bicuspidate: s. the grinding fās fā, a. sixty-two; -SHI, sixty-second. fä*i«sfè, a. seventy-two; -&sI, 72nd. füris(Soros, s. Quadrangle with two equal fosfoss,san isoscelestriagnle [sides.