ধাতু [ gsástafgvl, s. a digest of laws, a ritual. ofton, s, the Holy Spirit: a holy, pious. *::fff:ff, s, religion and the want of it, re ligion and irreligion, virtue and vice. *::Itfozors, s. a court of law, a tribunal. «fastifratg, s. the right to administerjustice, the duties of a sheriff. [do justice. gráifosztán,s.asheriff: a havingarightto
- frosof, s, a spiritual teacher, a bishop. *::IIzfessor, s. an incarnation of justice or
virtue (a term of Hindu flattery). afo, off, a. virtuous, religious, pious, godly, just, righteous, honest. *Cossosroof, s, religious instruction. zoosoftwofo, s, a preacher of religion. *:::fs, a lawful, proper, just, right. [ing. ধর্ষক, a. Jaring, bold, imposing, over-awধর্ষণ, ****{1, & the daring of a person to combat, a brow-beating, boldness. o,white, fair:-43, whiteor washed cloth. gfa, s. a nurse, a wetnurse, a midwife. *T*Coil, overanointing (a babe) with oil. grāfgzil, s. a runner, an express, a mes«TBF1, s. expedition, speed, haste. [senger. <sfës, or Ufözs, s. a large paper kite. of 37, of 331, s. a going fast, a running. #THI, s. mistiness or dimness of sight, blindness, a stratagem, trick, a sleight; -àfoi, to overlook, mistake, to wink at. TTTesis, s. a confounding, causing mistakes by introducing confusion. [ed. &fwfám,*i*i*,ff,dim-sighted, short-sightštýl, im.sd, of a brisk motion, or of a drum. *tol, s, the sum deposited in gambling. *Tool, s, a push, shove, a thrust, shock. «styl, s. a balance; a row of coarse stitches or patches incloth, mat screen or door. *Toscows, s. a patching, a patch work, a *ifoil, or cofoil, s. an otter. [patcher. *Tāta, strong, robust,full grown: s.adam. giz, s, one who nourishes, Providence. *Tog, s. a principle or humour of the body, asphlegm, wind, and bile; an organ of sense; metal, metallic ore, the element or root of a word, semen virile, the matter which oozes in agleet, the pulse. gross-froi, s, the red sulphate of iron. 193 ) ধার stoo, e. a decay of the vital functions. *Toora,e, theoozing of matterina gleet. ধাতুঘটিত, a. metalline, mixed with metal. *tz-sai,-ftarz, s. a gloet, a gonorrhea. ধাতুনরম, s. a cold, a catarrh. [tric fluid «ff;"i, s. alimentaryjuice, chyle, the gasoforso, e. a metal dish or cup. ধাতুপুট, s, nutrition, nourishment, the strengthening of the body by aliment. ধাতুপুষ্টিকর, a. nutritive, nourishing, alimentary, strengthening. [tening. cosas, a nutritive, nutritious, fat*Ioatát, s an assayer, mineralogist, ami<st gCEw, schangeinthe humours. Iner. *Tool, a. made of metal, metallic. #Toffo, s, a sort of mineral substance. «T şTifāst, borax, copple-dust (a solvent). *Totsy, s. a state of perfect health. [ry. «fråt, s. wetnurse, midwife;-5:st, midwife&Titfowl, s. obstetric science, midwifery. *TR, e. grain, rice; -off, to reap; -otsa, a reaping; -osso, a threshing (rice). 4fR*Ifặ5 s. a variety of capsicum.” Afāt, a. (rice) mixed with unhusked rice. ধানুষক, ধানুষকী, s. an archer, a bowman. *Inj, s. unhusked rice, corn, grain. *(FUC-53, s. a rice-field. staff, e. grain. *I-Usos, a. abounding with rice, or grain. grasotsit, a. (soil) fit for growing rice. groi, s. the step of a stair-case. giz, v. a. to run, to go fast, to scamper. *Too, s. a runner, one who goes express. grafoil, a. quick, swift, running express. «tza, «Izf..., «ra #1, arunning,goingfast. *Tota, a.running, in the act of running. gratoff, s, a promiscuous running. *Tot, s, the body; a house, a dwelling, a place, a spot, a country, dignity, light. «tsrsfl, s. a kind ofkettle-drum. offsi, «fst, s. ascuttle or basket of ratan. ধরি, 9. a. to borrow, owe, hold as a loan or debt:8, a loan, debt, an end, border, boundary, a line, limit, edge of a precipice, or of a weapon, sharpness, distillation, dripping or oozing by drops, a leak, flaw, a stream -o, to borrow; to whet, sharpen: -offs, to make blunt.