নতু [ asso, a. standing or situated in a city. of: Tofo, a. held or confined in a city. asfis, s. a bridle; vide & fsrrw. [bowels. aff, s, urine;-soo, constipation of the asst, s. a standing (as a littlechild), a pole, aoj, a. maked, uncovered. [a boat-hook. Ffiol, s. a young girl. Ros, s. an anchor; -o, or -o, to cast anchor; -o, to weigh anchor. F = H -zzre, -zF#, s. a casting anchor. Rosztút, s. anchorage, harbour. [else. = CS«, ad. perhaps not, if not; otherwise, *ašīālo, néto, a near, in the vicinity. Tsingll, a. poachy, soft, plashy. *NSTÃ, s, a view, a sight; apresent, a gift. R$73.4%, a fascinated, guarded, watched, RFF Trst, s. imprisonment. [imprisoned. əişFğ[zf şi, a. sharp-sighted: s. one who sees or views, one who ogles, a juggler. asizrzigit, s. sharp-sightedness. FS:[1, 8, a view, a sight, a present. RSTATR1, 8.a present, present at meeting. Ffo, a. the ninth. Roo, a neg. part. no, not. Fū, s. a dancer, an actor: a curdled. asso, s. an intricate affair, perplexity: a wicked, troublesome, vexatious. [cy. =52#, o perplexity, wickedness, intricaz Ba, s. a ball, dancing. [limbs. নটুপটু 8. a struggling, feeble state of the Fior, s. a fop, a rake, a lewd fellow. sifai, siji,s. several species of amaranato, s. a female dancer; a harlot. [thus.’ zibitzig, s. a brothel, a bawdy-house. aïIsotto, s. spinach, amaranthus. FF, v. n. to stir, to move; properly FRF. নড়, s. a kind of reed. τύπ, vide &y*. ot, s. a cane, a stick, a staff, a wand. নড়ল, or নড়ান, a. abounding in reed. Fo, a bowed down, bent, prostrate, descended, reclined, crooked: s. vide Raf. aroos, a, bowed, holding downthehead. Footfozo, a, having a depressed nose. rol, s. an excuse, a pretence. [papers. afé, s.humility, a bow, prostration; fileof afsiiqi, s. the sewing of loose papers. *afoil, s. a retribution, a reward. RŲ, conj. otherwise, or, but. 197 ) 氹 = z1, conj. if not, otherwise, else. [very. ={ẽI, s. theninth duy after a woman's doliwar, afoal, s, a ring for the nose worn by RW, s. a river, a male river. [women. awaw, e, softness, plashiness. awafstan, a. plashy, poachy, soft, [ing. awsoto, Ratofo, a, like a river, meanderwit, s. a river, a female river; -কুল,-তট, or -os, the bank of a river. aútargo, a fed or watered by rivers. aútsäzoo,a.broken, worn away by a river. =[-, a negative particle, no, not. [sister. ননদ, ননদিনী, ননদী, ননন্দ1, s. a husband's =[it s. butter, fresh butter. [objection. 57, a part, used to draw attention to an Row, 8.joy, happiness, festivity, pleasure, felicity, prosperity, increase; Indra's paradise; the foster father of Krishna. ***,8. happiness, pleasure.joy, festivity. ==ūz, s. a son; gladdening, [Krishna. ==H==R=", s. the son of Nanda, a name of Rowl, prosperity, increase; a water jar; a husband's sister; a goddess. [see Root. afo, s-gaming, gambling; happiness.joy; z fāzē, s. a timber tree (Cedrela Toona). wfoot, s. a daughter; a husband's sister. awit, rejoicing: s. one of Shiva's attendants, speaker of a prelude to a drama; one who pronounces a benediction. নন্দীবৃ *f, atimbertree; Indra's paradise. FCosso, s. Krishna's birth-day festival. Fisson, a. swinging, pendent. Foot, e. haste, speed. [eunuch. a*i'**, a. neuter: s. a hermaphrodite, a ***, *, a jingling ornament for the feet. asi, s. a grandson; fem. as. arot, s, a plant called heart-pea." a F#, s. aservant. assztést,servitude, ser*R*, *, gain, profit, perquisite. [vice. Ro, a new, fresh, young; nine: e. panegyric, praise;-outs, an infant son;-sto, the nine planets; -oso, noble.??Si, -v..., e, newness, recentness. azfe, a ninety; -os, the ninetieth. notios, a, having nine doors: e. the body. Ezzel, s. the ninth day after childbirth. agaifo, s, a newly married woman.
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