পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২১০

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

নয় azà, or azite, s. butter, fresh butter. azzo, s. a bride, a newly married woman. ags, a the ninth. Rail, 9th (lunar day). azcoza, a. young, opening into youth. নবরতন, s: the nine gems, viz. diamond, emerald, ruby, garnet, sapphire, topaz, lapis lazuli, pearl, or more probablythe cat's eye, and crystal. [nine terms. Rzzstfool, s, the rule of proportion with ažifol, s, one newly become a mother. wagossos, s. a newly blown water-lily. Aztos, s. a young sprout. নবাৎ, s. a kind of sweetmeat. z{ata, s. new rice, newcorn, a festival ob served on cutting the first ripe corn. *Rafa, s.a vicegerent, a nawāb, a viceroy. was it, a. of a nawāb; 8. viceroyship. নবীন, নবীনতl, the same as নব্য, নব্যতা, agasy, s. a newly married person, a bride. no), s. new, fresh, young, modern, novel. 7(4Töl, s. newness, novelty, recentness. zzjoizotoi, s. a display of novelty. RZJoRISTEIR, s. a schemer, a projector. Azaï, or of 5, a ninety. [sphere. নভঃ, নভঃস্থল, নভোমণ্ডল, 8. the sky, atmoz¤:, &. a bow, a salutation, obeisance. asso, s. a descending, stooping, becoming assātā, a flexible, depressible. [humble. ಇತ್ತ, 8. ೩ Chandála, am outcaste. =I>Taj3, s. a bow, a salutation, obeisance, a prostration;-F, to bow. [tration. RITHE, a.bowedto,saluted, bowedbyprosas Hj, a.honourable, venerable, worthy of respect or salutation, reverend. [tion. assostassis, a. worthy or not of saluta**{{W,8. anindex, a guide, an appearance, a beginning; a. apparent, famous. *RRI, s. a pattern, muster, an example. =[s],a.flexible, depressible;-(51, flexibility. ཨ། ཁྱོད[༡༦༦༨ humble, lowly, condescending, soft, gentle, meek;-&f,-deto, naturally humble, gentle, meek, lowly. নম্রতা, s. humility, meekness, lowliness, condescension, gentleness. নমুন্তিঃকরণ, ৫. humble-minded, lowly. *Us, ad, no, is not: a, nine: s. morality, justice, righteousness, right. [ 198 || নল Aziz, orzsosto,8, an eye;-offs, a wink, eyezoostisos, a. obvious, visible. [sign. Azoëtzsi, s, the pupil of the eye. Rosafoto, a, agreeable to the sight. Ross, a new, fresh, novel, modern. =Izitzz fel, s. the eye resembling a dart. নয়ান সুখ, s. a sort of fine cloth. Fos, s. a man, a male; -o, a cannibal. Rosó, S. the infernal region, hell, torment, misery, punishment;ordure;-assist, going to hell; -cetis, the suffering of hell; - Taal, the torments of hell. TTTEFt, a. hellish, infernal, tormenting. Azscosa, s. a sovereign, a king, a bráhman. As offs, s. a king, sovereign, governor. Agrfo, a. philanthropic, loving mankind. Agafi, or oscist, s. a human sacrifice. Foss, a gentle, soft, mild, tender, supple, R{Tl, v. a. to mollify, to soften. [pliant. Fossia, s. a mollifying, a softening. Azrit, s. softness, mildness, tenderness. Roscoso, s, the earth, the world inhabited = zT¬io siof, s, human society. [by man. Agfio,8.in mytho, the 4th incarnation of Vishnu; an eminent man, a nobleman. Rossos, S. an epithet given to a barber. নরাকৃতি,s. humanform: a human-formed. RATso,a ascertained as certain, corroboFAT5,8. beam of a weaver's loom. [rated. R{1}{S(, s.a.vile man: a. vilest among men. RȚffsoff, s. aking, a sovereign, a gover={{fforth, s. a human residence. [nor. Nga, s. an instrument to pare the nails. =Caeyi, or RC:I+:T, s. a sovereign, a kingzττΆΤάπ, s. an excellent mam, a nobleman. ago, s. a dancer, an actor, a dancing boy. নৱঁকশালা, s. a ball-room, a theatre. নন্তকী, s: an actress, a dancing girl. 53 R, 8. act of dancing, acting. [trench. awson, s. a channel, gutter, drain, canal, a Foot, s. sport, fun, amusement, jocularity. axis, a. devoted to sport or pleasure: 8. a nipple; a rake, a lecher, a libertine; sport, amusement, coition. [river. Rowl, a giving pleasure: s. name of a Roi, s. a tube, a pipe, an earthen spout or pipe, the trachea or windpipe, a reed,”