পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২২৭

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


WJo, a. deposited, pledged, placed. WJoão, a. saving, hoarding: s. a hoarder. zIJIzgrzs, s. a vomiting, puking, nansea. RJ151, a, left-handed, sinister-handed. RJ13, 8, one of the six schools in which vedic philosophy is professed; right, justice, truth, equity, law, righteousness, logic: a. resembling, like, [er. -Uto, s. a judge, logician, just reasonFjtazoo, s. one who acts rightly, or with equity, one who does justice. [justly. Wytososoro, doing justice: 8. one who acts WJTKRo:, ad, according to right or justice. FJRio, ad. by a law suit, with justice. WJR'sso, s, logic, or the science of philo sophy usually called the Nyāya. Fift, a rational, right, just, proper, doing right, doing justice. [at law. FITD, a. right, just, litigable, recoverable FUsos, a. satisfied, sufficient, successful. -Usos, s. a deposit, a pledge. FIIHToso, g. the denial of a deposit. Fijëi, s. a ladle: a crooked, curved, crookbacked, stooping, looking downwards. মু জীকৃত, a. made crooked, bent. Ejo, a less, deficient, defective, wanting. Fjæ1,8. defectiveness, deficit, deficiency. নু্যনাতিরেক, or নু্যনাধিক, a. less or more. নু্যনাধিক্য, 8. a deficiency or excess. of, the twenty-first consonant in the alphabet. It has the sound of English p. ***1, s. steps, stairs, a stair-case. •f? &1, s. the Hindu sacerdotal thread. *i-fo, s. a row, a range, a line, rank; a metre: a ten;-&forzo, a catch-word. ol, s. a bracelet; the wrist. că fiei, or safiei, a thirty-five. &istez, sewenty-five. oissot, eighty-five. পচানই, পচানব্বই, a. ninety-five. - Nofs-, twenty-five. Příbor, twenty-fifth. čią šīfert, forty-five. čiast G, sixty-five. so, v, n. to arrive, to come, to reach. &z=\, g, the arriving at a place. *ios, s. a pond, a pool, tank, a reservoir. *izosa, s. a place where salt is made. * Eff, a. belonging tosalt manufactory. [ 215 J প*ে o, a, ripe, cooked, mature, concocted, *so, s. maturity, ripeness. [digested. *****, *, a chymical preparation of oil used as a medicine, boiled oil. *Toto, baked meats, a short of sweetcake. **, *, anarmy, a feather, a wing, the feather ofan arrow, a side, a flock, a party, a friend, a fortnight; a proposition or side of an argument in logic, a plaint in law, aposition advanced, an alternative, contradiction, opposition, rejoinder, reply; in arith. primary division. •i*•ite, s. collusion, partiality. [zan. vizâziTàt, partial, attached to: s.a parti*T*E*TR, a winged, feathered. [tions. *T*E*W, s. a distinction between proposi**gfos, or viola, a. destitute of feathers, unfledged, wingless. [true bill. *****, *. the sign of a valid plaint, a *I*T*13, vizososo, a feather-shaped, like ei51zile, s. the palsy, paralysis. [a wing. *I*T*, *. end of a proposition or plaint, last day of waxing or waning of moon. of 3575?s, s. another side, another view. *Totocos, ad.otherwise, on the other side. ofossa, s. birds, a class of birds. *ifo, s. night reckoned with its preceding and succeeding day, a female bird. *isofoam, s. the singing of birds. vifossal, s. a bird-catcher, a fowler. offorts, s. Garura, the regent of birds; a swift horse; a peacock. *iot, a. winged: s. a bird, a fowl. ofo, s. the eyelash, the harlor fibre of a thread, a fibre, the filament of a flower. **s[S-t, s. a footpath in a mountain. ofssig, s. a mound, a bank. **, s. mud, mire, clay; sin, guilt. viza, or eiCzge, s. a lotus, a waterlily. **Ét, a. fm. lotus-eyed. viosas, a resembling the lotus. owfgal, s, an assemblage of waterlilies. vizos, a resembling mud, pulpy. oxanagh, s. chyle, the gastric juice. vizsg, offzsi, a. muddy, miry, clayey. vitzt sig, s.the cleansing apondor other receptacle of water from the mud.