পাকা tit, s. analmanac, a calendar, a directootzog, s. an almanac-maker. [ry. zirði, s. ahe-goat; a blockhead; fem, crist. otcast, a disposing of his daughter in marriage for a stipulated sum. org, a blanched, reserved for seed. পাড়gol, s. a gourd reserved for seed. org, or oilznor, s, the width of a river; 3tfo, s. a row, a range, a line. [a flood. otwitty, s, the back part of a house, oil affol, a. of the back part of a house. oilo, oil-sor, s. a thin kind of biscuit. oisor, s, the ashes of cow-dung, ashes. ziţă, v. n. to ripen, concoct, suppurate. witz, a ripe, cooked: s.ripeness, cooking, boiling, twisting, digestion; a circular motion; a screw; -71, -ãToss, to twist, turn round, writhe: -o, to cook food; -oil, to be twisted;-oil, to digest. of soil, s. a cook, one who cooks. witzgassen, s. a being twisted. ofossoil, s. a turnscrew. ofo, s. deceit, collusion; an eddy, a circular motion, a wheel. পাকড়,, n. to seize, to hold. visoga, s. a seizing or holding. [thing. witzogi, v. a. to take or seize a person or witzot,8. the corolla or petal of a flower, a vitatso, s, preparedor boiled oil.[branch. witzsal, s. a whirlpool, an eddy in water. orsoviol, a. intricate, contorted. [signing. witzRostol, a. insidious, artful, crafty, de •itæ viTgfs, s. insidiousness, craftiness, artfulness, craft, finesse. [digested. oirot, a.concocted, ripe, mature, perfect, ofoil, v. a. to clean, to wash: a, washed, wiłosz, s. a washing, a cleaning. [clean. witzRossoil, s. a cook-room, a kitchen. vizşălyffei, s. asmith's vice, aturnscrew. *Toto, s. seething pot, culinary vessel. ofol, v. a. to cook, to twist, to screw; a. cooked, ripe, mature, twisted: 8, a fan. *Totto, s. gray hair, hoary hair. zijato, visãoto, s, the stalks of hemp. witzotz, s, the cooking of food, a causing to ripen, a twisting; a sort of sweet cake. oisotoffs, a mutually agreedon, settled. 2 g [ 225 1 পাছু otifs, s, a bird, the leaves of a venition. *T*y, s. a fig tree (Ficus infectoria). *Tofoil, a pertinacious. *itor, s. a wing, a feather; -o, to moult. *I*Toslo, s. a small drum or tabour. *Tool, v. a. to rinse, to wash, to clean. *T*tolo, s. a washing, ringing, cleaning. *ttornfö, e. a blow with the wings. *T*11, s. a wing, a fan, the fin of a fish, a feather; -o,-451, or -oil, to fan. otest, e. a bird; the leaves of a venition. off-storsol, s, a fowler, a bird-catcher. *flogi, s. a chisel, a fin, the upper arm; ofton, s. a feather; a whirlpool. [a bird. vios, or *tos#7, s. a turban. *Itsfä, a. insane, mad, maniacal, foolish: s- a maniac, a madman; fem. *Tss-st. oitoso-tsal, s. an insane hospital. oilstä1, s. a maniac, a madman, an idiot. *Itsfätorso, s. a mad-house. [foolish. পাগলাটিয়া, a. weak, silly, mad, insane, *15satist, s.foolishness,insanity, madness. *ito, v. a. to perceive, to form an idea. •ifari, v. a. idem: e. a kind of rock-salt. *ifotos, s. name of a fish: a, whitish, pale, *iterf*ital, a. tawny, pale, wan. [tawny. witso’, a concocting, digestive: e. a cook. oissol, -os. a digestive quality. *Issy, s. the itch. [a decoction. vision, s. act of cooking, digesting of food; oiTf5:51, s. a cookwoman. [posteriors. *iso, s. the hinder part, the back side, witHotass, e. the back part of a house. পাছড়, c, d, to winnow grain. vision, e. the winnowing of grain. [now. viTool, p. to throw in wrestling; to win*Toto, s, the winnowing of corn; the throwing an antagonist in wrestling. witzvostof, s, a grappling in wrestling. witHot, s, a kind of prepared rice. *To Wig, s. a back-door. [the stern. ostol, s, the hinder part, buttocks, rump, witHoty, w a to throw in wrestling: o, a fall in wrestling;-q13s, to throw down. oitzi zitfg, s. rump to rump. [part. *ity, e. the rear of an army, the hinder *Tot, s, a wrapper, an upper garment.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৩৭
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