পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৫৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


  • F FI, a, penniless, poor, empty-purse. *Fo, a. disappointing, failing, [shift. *Footso, a, unsubstantial, weak, make*Esfīāl, a laughing at trifles, playful. **Egoïs, the morning, the dawn. [ness. *Esso, s. mercy, grace, blessing, good**Ffows, s. disgrace, ignominy, infamy. ****, *, a gate, an outer, door, a gaol. *Füzoğıwl, e. a fop, a man of dress. *Fis got, s. imprisonment, custody. *53:51, v. o. to winnow (rice, etc.): e. a

straggler; a dilemma: a speckled.

  • Effo, s. crystal, quartz; -os, a crystal

ফটুকিরি, or *Flows:sts. alum. [pillar. *Figo, s. a popping sound. [parade. ssissuif, s: a crackling sound: pomp, *55, s. a gambling, a gambling-house. *Fofo, s. a twig, a small branch. [stall. *Fossal, s, a gambling-house, gamblingEfs, or **F=3l, 8. a grasshopper, a lo*Efogi, s. a pedlar, a retail dealer. [cust. *Efogist, s, retail business, peddling. ফডুফড়, 5, tingling sensation, impatience, talkativeness; -o, to talk at random. *Forsytät, s. garrulousness; a fluttering. ফড় ফড়িয়া, a. loquacious, garrulous: s. a *F-1, s. the hood of a serpent. [tattler. *Ffossazi", s. a shrub (Cactus Indicus). ot, hooded: e. the cobra, hooded snake. *Fool, s. a waistcoat: a penniless, poor. ফতু অগিরি, s. poverty, pennilessness. *F #3, a. weak, infirm, poor, wretched. *Foot,8. artifice, stratagem,a snare, a trick. *FCostal, g. a blister. *FIW1, 8, gain, profit. [a settlement. **Fostol, s. a doer, the decree of a court, **Foso; s. a Frank, a native of France. *Faso gia, s. the country of the Franks. **Foso, a distant, separate, apart. **FF", s. a carpet, a floor-cloth. [blank. *Ezrzii,a.clean, clear, limpid,transparent; **Fostet, s. a person whose office it is to spread carpets or to prepare lamps, *Ffoot, e. a small species of paroquet. *Ffoto, s. a cry for help, a complaint. *Ffossit, s. a plaintiff, a complainant. **Fosz, s. a trick, fraud, deceit, roguery. [ 247 | ফঙ্গি o, a lying, crafty, deceitful, roguish. *Coto, o the backstays of a ship. *5414, a spread open: o, the Quran. **FĂfs, s. the queen at che . *ssa, s. offspring, descendant, progeny. ফন্দ, ***.s. avail, a piece, sheet of paper. a list, inventory: a one, single; apart. *FA II, s. Eng. a mould, a form. *oto, s. an order, a command. *FHTTP:st, a mado as per order. **FÆzitzz RTF, s. an attendant, a servant. *E*, v. n. to produce fruit; to grow. LSzi, s. fruit, result ofan action, an effect, reward, punishment, utility, profit, benefit, success, result, consequence; the blade or head of an instrument. ফলই, s, the same as চিতলমাছ, *Făzo, s. a shield, aboard, a plough-share. *Foot, a carrying or bearing a shield. *Fäätze, s. the receiving of fruit, or the consequences of an action. *Făgo, a. advantageous, yielding fruit. *Fäss: ad in reality, virtually, indeed. *F&W, a yielding fruit, beneficial, fruitful, *F#7, 8, the bringing forth fruit. [sertile. *Ezizs, Fāzē, a. fruitful, advantageous. 35&ta, a fruitful, productive, fertile. *FAKT3, s. mere fruit or consequence. ফলমুখ, . harvest, time of harvest. *Foof, a fruitful, advantageous. *Fäl, v, a to bring forth fruit: a, abounding with fruit: e. a compound letter. *E*T*, s. a going by leaps or jumps. *Fafā, a. astone used to grind paint on; the female organ of a cow. [of paint. *Fosts, e. the bringing forth fruit; mixing **E*TR1, a such a one (or, a person). *5*ai•fai•f, s. deeeit, a concealment (ap plied to money or an argument). oilo, s. success or the want of it. offenses, e. interestedness. ofessogfos, a disinterestedness. *Fossos, s. a banquet, a feast, a repast. oil offs, s. a feeding on fruits. ofo, a filled with fruit, fruit-bearing. s5°5fe, ad on the whole, in fine ofoa, a fruitful, fertile, advantageous.