বিচা fossgff.sffy, s. discord, a mutual discord. fosso, a. departed, gone, separated, severed, parted, obscured, dark: s. a span. fassàz7, foss-sàz, a. separable, relinquishfoss, s. separation, departure. fosso, a, censuring, abusing, hating. fassà, s. a censuring, vilifying, hating. fisséâtz, a censurable, abominable. [ed. fosff{E, fãsf E, a. censured, vilified, abusfosfoss, a fallen, dropped, oozed, removed, made loose, dishevelled. [cord. fosso, s. ruin, deterioration, apostacy, disfossiva, s. spoiling of a thing. [quality. fool, a. worthless, pernicious: s. an evil fosso, s, war, combat; image, idol; body. বিঘটন, 8. an occurrence, a misfortune. FsfS, a happened, occurred, befallen. fāzē, or stSfg, s. a span, nine inches. foil, s. a measure of land varying from eighty to eighty-seven cubits square. foots, s. an injury, destruction, a murder. fossot, a killing, murdering, injuring. fog, s. obstacle, danger, obstruction, hin drance, an impediment, a misfortune. food, a learned, clever, skilful, eminent, fo Bo, a blind, perplexed. Lsuperior. foto, s. deviation, irregularity, perversity, disobedience; -of-5), slip of tongue. foil, s. a slip, a false step. [dislocated. stf#5, a. slipped, bent, unsteady, fickle; fbfossgoi,a.fickle-minded, unsteady. fösy, s. a seed-plot. [deliberate, discuss. RBIs, v, a to judge, investigate, examine, f5Is, s. investigation, examination, an opinion, a determination, judgment, a consultation, discussion, deliberation. f5tzso, fissososozo, a. investigating:8.he who investigates, a judge. [tion. fā51zzgsl, fq Sigel, s.judgment, investiga [BIzzogi, s. a judge, one who examines. fossos, a. able to judge or investigate. fossga, s. a judging, an investigating. fastgätz, or fossofisos, a. investigable. foss2.12s-1, s.a. request to have an affair investigated or judged. [aphorism. foss; qa, o, a rule for judging, a logical Rosá1, a helpless, destitute of means. [ 266 | [able. বিজ fossoists, ad according to judgment. f5tatsgårio, s. an appellant. fossfifts, a judged, investigated, examin ed, discussed, deliberated on. fasts,a.investigable, deserving examinafossssssstol, a under investigation. [tion. fbrät, s. straw, rice-straw. foss, à5t, s. a seed, fruit-stone. [uncouth. fastfäsäl, s, a doubt, difficulty, error: a. ffSE,variegated, speckled, party-coloured; surprising, gaudy, handsome, beautiful: s. surprise; a variegated colour. ff5fãs, a. variegated, party-coloured. fosofa, s. a cutting off, excision, cutting, a dividing, a fracture, loss, destruction, a limit, the caesura or pause in a verse. safoa, a.divided, interrupted, shared out, cut, separate, cleft, severed, scattered. ffolio, a truncated, lopped, shorn. fo, s, a juvenile sport, hop-scotch. f(FET),a. divisible, frangible, separable. fogo, s. a separation, a division, a Space between, an interruption of friendship or love, disjunction, removal, disunion, discord, a chapter or division of a book. façosa, a. separating, dividing, disjoin ing, interrupting, disuniting. focoszal, s, the agony of separation. foot-toi, s. sig. the fire of separation. fãGoETU, REFER#1, a. separable, divisible, forgos, s.aclimbing plant.' [frangible. বিছ টী, বিছুটী, 8. a sort of stinging plant.” fą z gl, v. a. to scatter, strew; to fall out: a strewed, scattered; fallen out. foot, v. a. to spread out, to lay in beds: s, a scorpion, a centipede, sign Scorpio. foots, s. a spreading out, the spreading of a mat or carpet, a laying of things in beds, a bed, a carpet: a spread out. fig1:1, s, a bed, a carpet, a floor mat. fasio, a. abominably ugly. [arm. fosis, s. an ornament for the small of the soul, a illegitimate, bastard, base-born, of spurious birth: 8, a bastard. fig, s. a conquest, a triumph, a victory. R. Gigl, s. Durgā, one of her attendants, the day her image is cast into the river.
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