বিশ্রা foot go, a wise, learned, eminent, large, prevalent, increasing, bold, famous. footto, a great, large, wide, extensive, enfrators, -ëa, a width, extent. [larged. ffo, a, excellent, genteel, elegant, so lect, noble, possessed of, having. soforosato, a rational. [ity, goodness. faf**vi,s. excellence, gentility,superiorsoforofo, s. conscience, a correct idea. fforÐ szal, s. thought, a special consulfossroorg, s. a cabinet. [tation. sofors), a requiring to be discriminated: s, in gram. a noun, a substantive. fogsoo, a, the twentieth. fà*ga, a purified, cleansel, rectified, corrected as a writing, pure, clean, virtuous, sanctified, modest. fog so, s. sanctification, purity, holiness, the correction of a writing or mistake. stofszff, a. cathartic, purgative. বিশৃঙ্খ =, a unconnected, irregularly connected, ungrammatical, disorderly. বিশেষ,, a. to distinguish, particularize. foots, a peculiar, special, different: 8, a particular, a difference, a peculiarity, a dissimilarity, a variety, a detail, a change for the better in a disease. fậtarsz, a. particularizing, characteriz ing, attributive, distinguishing. forgo', e. in gram. an adjective, an adverb; a discriminating quality, an attribute, a characteristic mark. forgos, discriminable, distinguishable. fàr*ræs, ad videlicet, particularly, espefaceiaztei, s. specific caloric. [cially. footago, a particular duty, use or office. fossaxos, s. a particular advantage. faceffo, a distinguished. [stantive. focoios, a distinguishable:s, anoun, subfaces arol, -o, s. discriminableness. facsita álzi, or favolto], a purifiable, corrigible, sanctifiable. [corrected. fàt*mf«v, a.purified, sanctified,cleausel, fests, a rested, reposed, refreshed. fests, forestfs, s, refreshment, ease, relaxation, rest, repose, rest after fatigue. folioso, s. a time of rest, a recess. 2 N. [ 273 || বিষ frsð, a bereft of splendour or glory, do graded, reduced, denuded. forza, s. separation,disunion, disjunction. foot, a. all, universal: o, universe. [noise. footo, wicked, vile: s a hound; sound. gods. footo, a difficult to please [of Shiva. footator, a the lord of the universe, a name বিশ্ব -নিন্দুক, a, all-censuring;-zoo, all-deceptive;-riteis, -zItem, all-pervading. F EIT, a. all-supporting: s.thepreserver of the world, a name of Vishnu. foggi, s, the earth; a name of vishnu. বিশ্বরূপ, a. assuming all forms, pantomor phous, polymorphons. fățirii,a trustworthy, trusty, credible. fa*fĦz, a trusted, confided in. forg, a believed, confided in, trusty, forgi, s. a widow. [honest, faithful. fool,fo, a the creator of all, God. footsford, e. a sage, who was a king, but by long penance became a brahman. foto, v, a to trust, to believe, toconside. fossi, a trust, trusting, believing, confidence, faith, credence; -gon, to create confidence; -os, -os.org, a believer. footo, a trusting, confiding, believing, footags, a believing, trusting. [faithful. footingro, a treacherous: a, a traitor. foef={xItvzgs1, -sa, s. treachery, perfidy. foottom ot, a treacherous. [person. fossosso, s. a confidant, a trustworthy footosafo, s. a ground of trust or confidence, a proper object of faith or trust. foot, a trusting, believing, trusty, hon est, trustworthy, faithful. footou, a. worthy of confidence, honest, fatica; s. the clitoris. [trustworthy. foots, e. the Lord of all, Shiva's name. fag, s. poison, virus, venom, water, the fibres of the stalk of the lotus, myrrh. fosafos, a poisonous, mixed with poison. foss, or for, a destroying the effects of poison, acting as an antidote. fossa, a poison, venom, virus. fog, a. dejected, sad, pensive, cast down. faggs, -z, s. dejection, sadness.
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