পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/২৮৬

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বিষ বিষণ্ণবদন,বিষন্নমুখ, or frogfan, a having a dejected countenance, dejected. বিষ-তুল্য,-বৎ, mortal, deadly; -off, venemous: a snake; -ñiz, the fang of a serpent; -Risi, -Rizzo, a poisoner; -oita, a drinking of poison;-2:Cossi, the admimistering of poison; -sz WJi, the science of poison; -fafosis, poisonous, venomous; -RanJ, a charmer of snake-bites. fox, a unparalleled, irregular, unman ageable, difficult, unequal, alternate. foot, s. an unparalleled action. [sides fossotte, s. an excavation with unequal বিষম চতুরসু, বিষমচতুর্ভুজ, a.having all the four angles unequal: s. a trapezium. fossig, s. a violent intermittent fever. বিষমত্রিভুজ, 8. a scalene triangle, [thy. fosstory, s. absence of health: a, unhealfosses:st, a very heavy, ponderous. fargs[HTE H, s. temerity, rashness. fossitoit, a. excessively bold or rash. faaff-R5, a mixed with poison. fazz, s. a thing perceivable by the senses, a topic, an object, a thing, a matter, an object of pursuit, wealth, business, trade, any worldly undertaking, a lawsuit, a sphere of action, a province, a country, a house, a refuge, an asylum, a department; a lover, a husband. fawzizi?í, s.worldly business;-...í, asecular person; -5R, fallen from business. f**Igsizá, a. purse-proud. [ability. foss, a fallen from office, or respectforoso,foscaso,8.secular knowledge, skill in worldly affairs. [statement. fosfazzis, s. a detail of circumstances, a fazza Javg, s. the law of nature. footacew, s. a difference of subject. foLIR, s, the wine of worldly things. footoos, s. another object, or topic. fox{#if:{5, a busy, engaged in an affair. fZTāt,a. secular, engagedinbusiness, having worldly possessions or pursuits. fosito, a, become an object. fãs gêr, a. poisonous, venomous. fisco, ad about, respecting, with regard to, concerning, regarding, relative to. I 274 | বিস্তু। for, or food, a destroying the effects of poison: s. an antidote to poison. frosoft, s, the serpent goddess Manasā. fosso, a. poisoned, mixed with poison. fosts, s. elephant's tusk, a tusk, a horn. fast, s. dejection, lowness of spirits, lassitude, regret, anxiety, want of energy. f... KifÆ, a. dejected, made low in mind. fa:Tát, follo, a. dejected, low-spirited. fossoid, s, the poisoning of a thing. fosso, foot, poisonous, venomous. [line. fosso, s, the equinox; -Co-1, equinoctial footfi, s, the passage of the sun to the next sign at the equinoxes. f? #1, 8. excrement, ordure, dung. so, s. Vishnu, preserver of the world. foot, e. the sun's entering into a new sign just after the equinox. frigoistnastifs, s. the name of the pas sage of the sun to the next sign. fã Hoafā, s. a dispute, a murmuring, a contention, a contradiction, a deceiving. fasiatâ, a. disputatious, contentious. fixios, s.relinquishment, a gift, a donation, evacuation by stool; the mark (3.) foggio, a relinquishing, rejecting. fossío, s. a relinquishing, a casting off; the making of an oblation. [tion. fossgåts, a relinquishable; fit for oblaবিস্তুচিক, 6. the symptom of a disease. বিসৃষ্ট, a relinquished, cast off; offered. fairs, s.relinquishment, a gift,donation. fos, s, extension, prolixity, abundance, plenty, a sufficiency, amplitude: a, extensive, much, many, abundant, plentiful, sufficient, copious, numerous. fossi, s. a spreading out, an expanding. forgia, e. prolixity, description at length, extension, diffusion, an amplification, the diameter of a circle, a divergence. fă gtgri,a. enlarging,amplifying, describing at length, extending: s. in ana, the musculus extensor; a climbing plant.* forgia Tzra, s. one who amplifies or enlarges, one who describes at length. forgia. s. the extending of a thing, the drawing of a thing out in detail.