বেদ coastro, constićt, receiving wages: s, a hired servant or labourer. casa stát, a. living upon pension: s. a carotojo, s. a paymaster. Ipensioner. Goos, 4, uncommon, unusual, strange. ćwwrzy, a.tasteless,insipid, without relish. cofo, s. name of a demon, asioud, goblin. cool, a knowing, versed in a science, ćasti, s. a ratan, a cane, (Calamus rotang). consiso, s, a blow or stroke with a cane. coso, s. knowledge, philosophy, science; the sacred books of the Hindus. *comoto, a, not possessing, not subject to. cool, s, the not holding possession of a thing: ad, without authority over. CZ 75, a. well versed in the veda. cargāta, s. the knowledge of the veda. CARRI, s. a feeling, sensation, pain, ache, an agony, smart, torment, distress. coasta, a.knowable, perceptible, perceiv able, capable of being felt. cznat GJ, s. the text of the veda. coal, ad, without dignity or pomp. cassassi, s. a name of the sage Vyāsa. *cows, a breathless: ad out of breath. costol, s. mystical prayer, secretcharm. *Czysztofor, a. unnecessary, useless. *Czso goss, ad, without a signature. czy gorst, s. the want of a signature. *co, a not customary, unusual. cosol, irregular, not customary. [stain. *czwisi, czāIsft, a.immaculate, free.from cawso, s. a science appendant on the veda, of these six are reckoned, viz. the formation and arrangement of ideas, logic, grammar, a knowledge of technical terms, astronomy, and prosody. cawlot, a. studying or professing the knowledge of the aforesaid sciences. *& Wol, s.apomegranate;acoolingseed. Coswig, s. one of the six schools of philosophy usually called the darshanas, the vedánta philosophy. [sophy. cxaf*\, a. professing the vedánta philo*çawfal, ad, without a plaint or claim. cznīfēITH, s. the study of the veda. cawsos, e. a chameleon, a lizard. [ 279 | Coco cast, s. an altar, a pillar, mound, elevated terraco, a platform, a stool, bench, sent. caáì, idem: a. versed in, familiar with. cztwr-F, a. vedie, related in the vedas. cows, a knowable, proper to be known. cawn, or castal, s. afowler, a hunter. gov.a. to pierce, perforate, bore. Ition. czos, s, a perforation, a hole, an excavacoro, a. a perforating, piercing, boring. carotz, a. penetrable, vulnerable. coal, s.a hole, excavation, wound, scratch. *Cots, a nameless: s. assumed name. C2 নামী, a. the want of a name: a. anonymous, having false or assumed name. *zzfootsa, a. destitute of a sign or mark. বেপথু বেপন, s. a trembling, a tremor, a ca*i*iia,a.trembling, quaking. [quaking. cosal, a notindanger or apprehension. cza izrastal, ad, withouta warrantororder. *czool, a. without a curtain or screen, open, exposed, shameless. *czoszi-n, a unapproved, choiceless. [fic. CA-IT, s. atrade, calling, commerce, trafcavitzst, a dealing, trading: o, a trader. *3: Wil, s, useless disadvantageous. *z*BI* unfit to be revealed, scurrilous. *ca fossg, a. thoughtless, careless. *czzo, a. premature: ad out of season. *...**t, ad. not under control or subjeccool, a poor, forlorn: e. a widow. [tion. *Corzsos, ad. wholly, without remainder. *czaso, a. want of a master or owner, not claimable by an heir, heirless. *Ga*sūsāāt, a. unfit for society, unsocial. *czas F1, a. insipid, tasteless, untasty. *বেমরসুম, a. untimely, unseasonable. *color, a not agreeable, not acceptable. *Cassiso, a, destitute of an owner. contfoot, s.the being destitute of owner. *বে মাসুল, a free from tribute or custom house duties, free from postage. বে মাসুলী, a freedom from tribute or customhouse duties, freedom from postage. cafta, a disunion: e. a want of union. *c«×yf*, a. want of patron or protector. *cagotos, a not mended, unrepaired. cocoto, s. a not being repaired.
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