পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৪

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অস্তু? [ stros, a. intolerable, unsufferable. [ness. *Iris Jūl,8. intolerableness, unsufferableofoss, ad in the absence, behind one's back; -offs, not present, absent. *Intos, s. a want of testimony. STHTTE, a. benumbed, insensible. oritzsätz, a. impossible, impracticable. *IAT&Tzsa, a. particular, uncommon. SƏN HTğ, a. unrighteous, bad immoral. WAT&T, a. impossible, impracticable. STItzát, a. fem. unchaste, immoral. *I*Tzotz, a. inadvertent, careless, inat tentive, thoughtless, unguarded. offs[or], s, a want of equality. oritssoff, s, inability, a want of power. *NWTSITU, a, not common, particular. ifsU, s. a want of similarity, equality, or likeness, a want of equilibrium. Sosysto[..a.. unsubstantial, worthless: 8. the sappy or white part of timber. Sofa, s. a sword, cimeter; -çots, a scabSofo, a, not white, black. [bard. Sofo, a, not proved, accomplished, completed or perfected, unboiled. [proof. offo, a unproved: 8, a not having Rofioso, s, blade and sheath of a sword, sugar-cane; one of the Hindu hells. Şāts, unbounded, unlimited, immense. Włos, a unhappy, uncomfortable. Sosoft, a unhappy, miserable. . Włosz, a not easy, difficult. [ster. Noss, s. a demon, an evil spirit, a monSoiss, s. a want of pecuniary means. si H*,a.ill, sick, uncomfortable, unquiet. Wolfo,a.unstable, unsettled, unsteady. SIĘ II, s. detraction, slander, malice. অসৃষ্ট, a. uncreated, unmade, not formed. oùùz, s. ugliness, disagreeableness. STE, SI gs. s. the setting of the heavenly SI34,167, 8. the sun-set. [bodies. SI35Rf, a. set, gone below the horizon. gf%ffâ, §¤¤I5EI, s. the western moum tains behind which the sun sets. ozsä, S. (English) a stable. oùIzoo, 8. the setting of a luminary. sigszäät, a. setting, resting on the wes tern part of the horizon. 22 J SC要 SIfS, ad. present, now, at this time: v. So, v. imp. mil. be it so, let it be. [it is. SI3, a. weapon, missile weapon, an edgetool; -offs, or -forso, an armourer; -fafo, surgeon;-fefoil, surgery. slāfsfặsziffRIJI, s. the science of sur§35, alofs, a skilled in arms. [gery. Sossosz, a. bearing arms; s. an armed Rosso, S. the bearing of arms. [man. où (Tft, a taking arms, bearing arms. *Togfö, s. a shower of missile Weapons. o(3to WJ, s. a surgeon. [weapons. Rossogio, s. a furbisher, a polisher of SN&sso, s. a battle with weapons. I tools. Sû"I3, 8, arms, armour, implements, Sûfossos, s.armoury, a magazine, an arseSN31&ITE, s, the stroke of a weapon. [nal. S3so, a. smitten with a weapon. SISIR, s. the want of a place, a wrong place, the privy parts of either sex, Soto, a misplaced, mislaid. [fixed. SI-gfæTZT, s.not a fixture: a. moveable, unSog, Sogifo, unfathomable, very deep. otát, a, unlasting, fleeting, temporary. ofo, s. a bone; -cosa, corner of a bone. sfälsätrafo, a, emaciated, mere skin ofo, a unsettled, unfixed. [and bone. off, s, the want of place, situation, or property: a, not in a situation. ofgs&#1&so, a. inelastic. SIfigszi, s. ossification. *Ifog, s. in ana, the periosteum. sfors, a. osseous, resembling bone. SlfgftИл, s osteology. Rossos,a.unstable, wavering, floating, capricious, fugitive, transitory, volatile. Rosforf53, a. irresolute, unsteady, fickle. sfăzrzl, stă si1, s. instability, fickle. ness, waveringness, unsettledness. Rafazzñt, a. equivocating. Dopinion. oforoso, a unsettled in judgment or sfăgsfă, a, fickle-minded unsteady. Sofossosos, a chaotic, of unsettled form. Sofoisofo,8.the committing of the bones of a dead person to the Ganges. o, a not thick, not gross. অস্থেয়, or অস্থাতব্য, a. unfixable.