পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৫৫

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

শোভ terstar, a infantile, juvenile: s. childhood, infancy, minority. [pide শল্ফ. cottal, v. a. to lay one down to sleep: e. corrosta, a. sleeping, lying: e. a causing one to sleep, the putting a child to bed. coiso, coisol, v, a to smell. [s, a smelling. coioi, v, a to cause to smell: a smelled: coisol, s, a mace, a club, abludgeon;-awfor, a mace-bearer; -off:ft, his business. cotto, e. grief, mourning, sorrow, woe. Cotrogoo, a. distressing, mournful. cottontsizs, s. an ocean of grief. [sorrow. Cossosos, a grieved, overwhelmed with cottofo, s, the fire or torment of grief. Cosfosso, a sad, sorrowful, grieving. certaiffăă, catiaire, a grieved, sorrowful. coisot, a grieving, lamenting, mourning. cosis, s. grief, sorrow, sadness, distress. cotloo, a. occasioning grief, distressing. cotsbal, s, grief, anxiety, regret, sorrow. cottà, a grieving, mourning, regretting. cotto, s. hemp; the name of a river. cotia, cotidin:st, s. senna (Cassia senna). শোণিত, রুfধর, রক্ত, s. blood. [limbs. Cotto, s. a swelling or intumescense of the *c*TF1, s. a fop, a vagabond, a libertine. corso, s. the clearing off of a debt, payment, retaliation, purifying;-o, to pay, to liquidate a debt, to retaliate. Cosso, a cleansing, purifying, correcting, paying off a debt, retaliating: 3. he who purifies, one who corrects writings. cotton, s. a liquidating or clearing off, retaliation, the correcting of a writing, a calcining of poison, subtraction. [paid. costgātz, a. payable, due, requiring to be C*tiocosso, a liquidated, cleared off, paid. Cottol, v. a. to cause to purify, correct or cleanse: s. a cleansing, the correction of a writing, purification, a paying off. cotsfo, a paid off, cleared, corrected. Cotto.J., a. payable, due requiring to be paid, corrected, cleansed, or purified *cots.or, s, a doubt, suspicion. c*TER, 8. a being comely or pleasing to the sight: a shining, splendid, beautiful, handsome, propitious, auspicious. [ 343 )

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cotto, a, requiring to be beautified, worthy of being made illustrious. Coitol, s, light, lustre, radiance, splendour, beauty, elegance, glory, comeliness. Coleo, a shining, radiant, resplendent, comely, beautiful, ornamental. c*ttvf*a, s. same as *rfsai. [illustrious. cost effo, a, beautiful, comely, splendid, comfo, a. splendid, adorned, beautified. *çoisor, a. a noise, a clamour, a sound. cotsgräfs, s. a clamour, a noise, a voice. cott31, s. nitre, saltpetre. cotsol, s, lightwood, Indian cork-plant.” Cotić'ssosz, a. suberous, like lightwood. cots, s. pulmonary consumption, dryness, wasting, drying up, imbibition, suction. Coffs 3, a drying, absorbent. [dry. coisoto, s. a drawing off or drinking till Cottoq, s, a drying or imbibing, a becoming dry, an absorbent vessel. [ed. costs ità, a capable of being dried or wastC*tf<T, s. drymess, a drying up. Cotso.15s, s. a caress, indulgence, dalliance. ç"tiItfssit, a. fem. caressing, dallying. *শেক, s. desire, inclination, love, curiosi ty, gaiety, cheerfulness, pleasure. Conto, a loving, desirous, intent upon, fond of pleasure or curiosity, gay. co, a. acetous: শৌক্তিক, a. acetic. শৌচ, s.stool, the evacuation of the excre ments; purification by ablution. শৌচপ্রসুবি, s. stool and urine. cottfog, s. a vintner, a distiller. [flesh. crifas, s, a butcher, a seller of birds' crừsű, s heroism, bravery, prowess, courcows, ad by bravery. [age, valour. coffo, s, wealth acquired by bravery. coffo, a brave, courageous, heroi. *ff, s, a place to burn the dead, a cemetery, a sepulchre, a burying ground. **F, s. a beard; -মুখী, a bearded woman. *Uto, s, a shrub (Ziziphus scandens). *Jso, brown; -os, brown or black toothed: s. a tooth produced between the two front teeth of the upper jaw. *Uto, a black, the colour of a peacock's neck, dark-blue;-&l, -ę, blackness.