সর সুবর্ণবণিক, s: a trader in gold, a class of #####, a golden, made of gold. [Hindus. সুবর্ণযুথি, s- yellow jasmine. সুবর্ণাত্মক, a. identified with gold. [deva. সুবসন্ত, s. a festival kept in honourof Kām*Mal, s.a province; a Nawāb, a governor. সুবাদার, 5, the governor of a province. সুবাদা įst, office of a Nawáb orgovernor,the government of a province, a province. সুবাস, s. a good scent, a good residence. ¥**), a.learned, scientifie, philosophie. *Ifa«, If «1, a. easy, of a good kind. সুবিনীত, a, well-humbled, very humble. Ifo, wise, sensible, well-informed, intelligent: s. a good idea or understanding. Hoot, well-dressed, neat: s. good clothing. æfż, a. wise, intelligent, well-informed, docile, good-natured: s, a correct idea or judgment, accurate knowledge. *Toto, a, easily comprehensible. Hess, a beloved, fortunate, favoured. £55II, a.fem. idem: s. a beloved wife. *IEMI, a very good: s. Jagannāth's sister. MEZI, a. very polite, genteel. [ging. ifoof, s, a time of plenty; successful begTosol, s. a dainty eater, an epicure. TCETSI, a. wholesome to be eaten. Tā, a. having beautiful or fine eyes. *[s, s. a horse's hoof; a miser. [mind. সুমতি, well-disposed, benevolent: s. a kind সুমনাঃ, a. well-intentioned, good-minded. *[[I, a numerable: s. a multitude. সুমর্যাদক, a highly respectable. HTTT, sa respectable man, a gentleman. HITT, a. numerable, calculable. if soil, s, the mother of Ráma. [pretty. of, s, a fine face: a, having a fine face, of:, s. a good capacity to learn, good parts: a. sensible, of good capacity. Toso, s. a fabulous mountain celebrated in Hindu romance, the north pole. HCTS, s. an opportunity,convenient time. H3T, s. a god, a demigod, tune, a vowel. *সুর*, s. a form, a fashion, a countenance, visage, a portrait, an appearance. #3 &T&T, s. a coroner's inquest, a judicial investigation of murder or robbery. [ 366 | - সুরাহা, s. a good road, a fine way. সুষ o, a greatly enjoyed, well-pleased. সুরতি, s: great pleasure or enjoyment. সুরপুরী, s. Indra's capital, heaven of gods. সুরভি,s. a perfume; spring; a fabulouscow which granted every wish. [pleasant. Hāsālā, Hà NJ, a. easily enjoyable, very ##fs, s. a divine sage. {{Cato, s, the heaven of the gods. সুরস, a. nice, savoury, sweet, well-tasted. * {#sors, s. Gangá, the river Ganges. H3Tl, s, wine, spirits, spirituous liquors. সুরাচার্য্য, #T33, 8: epithets of Vrihaspati the preceptor of the gods. [sot. o afo, a. drinking spirits: s. a tippler, a (1971, 8. ೩ drinking of spirits or wine. সুরভিাগ, or সূরামগু, 5, yeast, barm. Hoff, s, a titan or enemy of the gods. #Tää, s, the residence of the gods. [ed. H$oi, handsome, well-shaped, well-formHosts, s. Indra, the king of the gods. *{{l, s. collyrium, antimony. [mark. Hai*F4, s. a good sign, or distinguishing সুলভ, সুলভ্য, a. cheap, easily obtainable, procurable, aequirable, or attainable. HRIB, s. a good gain or acquisition. #12, s. Eng. a sloop, small vessel. [writer. Toto, a. writing a fine hand: s. a good Hofo, s. a good person; a good world. ':[3]T5R,a.hawing fine eyes fem. সুলোচনাHÄSTR, s. a king, a Sultán; fem. H=Etat. সুলতানী, a kingly, royal, befitting a king. Hot +, s. good government or discipline. Hoffs, a well governed or disciplined. *I*T*D, a. easily disciplinable or governসুশীতল, a. very cool, well cooled. [able. সুশীল, 8. a good or kind disposition, good nature: a good-natured, amiable. Hostol, -o, s, goodness of disposition. HC-TER, s a looking handsome, comely or well: a comely, beautiful. HAITI, a. easy to be heard, very audible, melodious, harmonious, agreeable. fđJ=1, s. audibleness, melodiousness. à, a handsome, beautiful, comely. সুষণি, 8. a kind of needle-worked cloth. Hsfosso, s. a plant used as a pot-herb.”
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৩৭৮
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