সেঙ্গ? offs[fa, s. a beautiful flowering plant.” সর্য্যমণ্ডল, 5. the orb of the sun. সূর্য্যমুখী, 8, the annual sun-flower.” সূর্য্যসুহৈলুসঙ্গম, s. the approach of the star Sirius and the sun to each other. সূর্য্যসুহৈলসঙ্গমদিন, s. the dogdays. . Hosso, s.the approach of the sun and moon to each other at the new moon. সূর্যোদয়, sunrise: সূর্য্যাস্ত, sunset. সুকক, সৃককণী, s. the corners of the mouth. Ts, v.a. to create, form, to make, frame. où", s. a creating, a forming, a making. ofa, s. a hook or goad for an elephant. zfözsi, s. slaver, spittle, phlegm. সৃষ্ট, a. created, formed, made, fabricated. ষ্টি, s, creation, formation, fabrication. সৃষ্টিকৰ, s. the Creator, a maker; God. সৃষ্টিকর্তৃতা, s. creatorship, makership. সৃষ্টি z{z[, s. sustiaining the creation: s. God. সৃষ্টি Rios, s. the destruction of the creation. সৃষ্টিপ্রক্রিয়, 8. the work of creation. CH, pron. it, that, he or she (inferior). Gioff, ad. from that time or place. ciề, pron. that, even that, that same. căgăt, s, the Indian white rose.” cio, v. a. to turn up the nose. cšarīgāzē, ad crookedly, distortedly. căs, v.a. to water, to throw up water from a pond, to bale water from a boat. সেটক, or cool, v. a. to turn up the nose, to distort the face through disgust. 泷টুকান, s: a distorting the face or turning up the nose in disgust; a. distorted. că el-, a. wet, damp, swampy, marshy. czig, v. a. to foment, to toast, bake, heat. CHZ5, s. heat, a fomenting; -71, to foment. Crson,a toasting, baking, heating, fomentcrizgalīgs, s. Alexander the Great. [ing. CHzoosoft, a. pertaining to Sekandar. CHzoois, s. a vessel to bale water from a সেকরা, স্বর্ণকার, s. a goldsmith. [boat. gFSF, s. a fomenter, he who waters a garden or street, one who bales out water. *CH-2, s. a class of Musalmāns. Giotto, ad, there, thither, in that place. Cogol, s, the teak tree (Tectona grandis). GIFTE, s. afriend, companion, an associate. I 368 J সেয়া CH535, a. watering, baling out water. CoS, s. a watering, a baling out water. crisit, coioiso, s. a baling-vessel. CHE,s. a table-shade; the name of a plant. *ç#IT*ff&1, s. a necessary, a priwy, jakes. Coffs, 8. the Indian guitar. [bridge. Coso, s. a mole or dam, an embankment, a Coso, s. the making of a mole or dam (as Rāma's fabled dam in Ceylon). GiorossColos, s. island of Ceylon. cool, ad. there, thither, in that place. Girl, s. a soldier, an army, troops. সেনাগণ, সেনাসমূহ, s. a body of troops. CH={to, s. a constituent part or thing necessary to an army. [Kártika. consist, s. a leader or general of an army; Coatoffs, s. a general, commander of an contzof, s, troops, military men. [army. CHAI of, s, a flight of troops in disorder. (F1ಿ, 8. ೩ division of an army or battalion, a particular company of troops. contro, s. the collecting of troops. সেনাসামন্ত, s. retinue, attendants, soldiers coioio, a fifteen (at dice). [and officers. Gioffs, ad. till then, to that place. Gioisol, s. a tripod, a teapoy. C#2 of Ios, ad. of that kind, of that sort. colo, a, the same with GICKoo. cool, w, a to serve, to attend upon, to take (medicine). [vant, attendant. Cososo, a. serving, attending on: s. a sercoizososo, s, the servant of a servant. c¥$t, s. the white rose; vide cägät. সেবতাকৃতি, a... rosaceous, rose-formed. con, a serving, attending on, taking mecozsätz, a requiring to be served. [dicine. Gizi, s. service, attendance, a serving. çHzršt, s. a temple clerk, one who performs the service of a temple for hire. cosato, s. the duty or religion which consists in serving or attendance. Gifts, a. served, attended upon. Gisarjaj, Gizj, a requiring to be served. CHAINTA, a receiving service or attendCHARE, ad. that sort, that kind. [ance. CH3TCzosos, s. a bushy plant and its fruit." Colioso, S. papers relating to landed estate.
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