ज्ञां छा STtstofft, s. a prophetess, a tutoress. of Sfâ1, a. unsifted. [ted, undug. ots. Stü, g. a blow, a stroke: a, uncultivaRosso, a covered, concealed, protected. stol, a good, unexceptionable: ad well. WICETWT, a covering, protecting: s. alid, a cover, a roof, an awning. [clothes. stofo, s. the act of covering, a cover, আচ্ছাদনীয়, আচ্ছিাদয়িতব্য, p?de আচ্ছাদ্য, ofoists, a covered, protected. *Totos, a requiring to be covered. offo, a. amputated, cut off, confiscatSUCEER, s. confiscation, amputation. [ed. ofCB&Wa, s. the act of cutting off, or confiscating, the amputating of a limb. *Nicot, a confiscating: s. a confiscator. *NIE, v. n. to be, to exist, to live. SITES, v. a. to dash, to strike, to smite. STEFF, s. the act of dashing a thing. $ITEV1, v. a. vide §JftZV: a. beat on the washing-board, dashed, threshed: s. a dashing, a sprinkling; -wl, to sprinkle. *TESTR, 3. the dashing of a thing, the threshing of corn: a.dashed, threshed. solfgotson, a dashing: s. a thresher. STETS, s. a beating of clothes in washing, a blow, a fall; -ST:, to dash or throw down violently; -oil, to slip so as to fall. NICEToil, a not lopped or trimmed, not shaved down or stripped off its bark. SITE, or Rows, ad. to-day. [suddenly. **It's soft, oligoszt, ad. unexpectedly, *NTSixt, ad. from one’s birth. of gozotzi, ad. from the time of birth. **Tîëîzî, a. queer, surprizing, wonderful. STIGA EISITHI, s. a wonderful exhibition. **IST-IIA, s. a trying or bringing to the STSTSIC: “I, S. trial, a temptation. [test. *siIST, s: a cry to Moslems for prayer. SSISTF, v, a to clear, to empty: s. sailcloth, canvass; -35, to empty, vacate. **TSTW, a free, liberated: s. a poem. *Tssist, s. deliverance, freedom, liberty. of&T, SITAIR, a unknown, [hands.) WIST, ad, reaching to the knee, (the **IIST-I, s, punishment, vengeance;fault. **IIST's, s, sickness, a disease, affliction. [ 28 J उञाने Rossgifft, a diseased, afflicted, troubled. Ross, ad, to-day; also, e. war, conflict. offgots, a, belonging to this day. **Iffsiss, a. poor, helpless, needy. **Iffs ol, a honorable, respectable, great. susta, ad, during life, as long as one lives: s. a means of support. [lihood. আঞ্জীবন,a, living upon: 8, a living, a liveST, or ow), ad, to-day. * 5TH F1, s. pay, hire; -RTF, a jobber. আজু ৪. labor without pay, gratis labor. of 3foss, `Toto, a.ordered, commanded. Rossoil, s. a command, a decree, an order, an injunction, a precept; -o, or-wl, to order, to command; -STR, to obey. Rossoszoosa, s. the giving of orders. sfērzsfgst, a. obedient, obsequious. stgātē, SIISātfois, commanded, enjoinoùùsos, a fit to be commanded. [ed. *Toto oGs, ad, according to orders. strētsizēř, a. obsequious, obedient. *Totofit, a. obedient to orders. ST&T's HIC3, ad, according to orders. STSãToso, a giving orders: 8, one who gives orders, a commander. RossGāfossi, s. a written law, a warrant, a mandate, a written command. of Gioia, s. the act of giving orders. STGI’soil, s. contempt of orders. sigsafés, s. obedience, submission. sistaszás, a. obedient, submissive. $II<3fz£, idem: s. an obedient servant. §IRose of, s. disobedience, a transgresঅভিালঙঘন, s. iden. [sion. Siâj, s, ghi or clarified butter. SITątāl, a. not pungent; not soldered. *Isofos s. the doing of a thing, an end. off-gal, s, a stye; a kind of lizard.” &ffocroi, s. a species of lizard.” st-styr, s. a guava, a fig (Ficus carica). *Ifü, a. eight; -sq, eight-fold; -5firi, forty-eight; -foot, thirty-eight. Kostüzo, s. an obstacle, obstruction, a hin drance, a prohibition, a stoppage. আটকাল, আটকেলি, s. a guess. [round. Rs.3515, s. a bungalow with averanda all stü ofütaf, s: show, pageantry, pomp.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৪০
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