অগ্নি soft, a not wise, ignorant. অসুক, শোণিত, রক্ত, লহু, ও blood. oisazo, a very beautiful, charming, ofo, e. existence, being. oto, a. destitute of a wife. [of sleep. o, s. bad or ominous dream, a want oqetz, a.. unnatural, ill-natured. or, a. having a bad or hoarse voice. o, a proud, self-important. ***{{***, ad, by or through pride. ***Tosztoo, from or because of pride. *##R, s. a promise, an agreement. Iter, অহদনাম, s. a will, a deed of gift, a char*** **, a. ignorant, stupid, clownish. ofa, s. the sun, the luminary of day. s***I, s. the morning, the dawn. • অ1. <ùrgia, s. a salve for the eyelids. [active. oisègtoti, a. stout, robust, young and আঁড়বাড়ু, nausea, qualmishness, sickness. অতির সামারণ, s, the parboiling, or half dressing of fish or flesh. [a person. săţătăzre, stăraszra,s. the blindfolding of wizoy, a. difficult, hard to be performed. ofofgot, a. penniless, poor, indigent. ofol, a reaching up to the throat. otzos, a reaching up to the ear. ofosso, e. a listening, a hearing. otzofoss, a, listened to, heard. wizoát,s, a hooked stick for pulling fruit. of geot, ornament, sale, increase. [ance. ofosso, ad, from the likeness or appear*Isosos, e. the increase of a quarrel by the interference of a third person. stafssol, s, one who seizes, an invader. sissCW1st, s, the forepart of a thing. *Ississot, s. a plant (Bryonia scabrella). ssissi, s. sin, guilt, crime. otoss;ztofisos, a. sure, firm, unalterable. oscosis:{1, a. preceding; (cash) advanced. ottstics, beforehand, in advance. [army. etstafon, a leading the vanguard of an *13so, 8. Zeal, eagerness, perseverance, tenacity, obstimacy. starztze, s. the same as sist Fige. [year. otsiosafos, preceding or beginning the sitsigtigst, day of full moon in s[3] KIRI". [ 891 ) অীপ statson, hindrance, obstruction, oppo*atson, a bodice, a sort of stays. [sition. “stratyl, e, the thumb, the great toe. *Toto, a. of good conduct, polite. srpsetfērzi, a. ill-fated, unlucky. oison, octangular; of eight sorts. আটপটাঙ্গীয়া, a. sumptuous, pompous. ostostowo, a firm, holding firmly on all *T*51, s. an unreasonable longing [sides. stovstory, s. a cudgel, a bludgeon. আড়ষ্ট, a. eramped, stiffened, benumbed. sffj*if*iftat, a. lying in wait, lurking, insidious: s. an assassin. siftgforsszizm a. ravenous, gluttonous. *151, s.aball to play with;-cool, a play at billiards; -os, a billiard-room. of soil, a ready to murder or injure. আতপণ, a. cleansing up for a festival. off off, s. a groan, agony, a writh ing about with pain. strossovitzsä, ad, everywhere, high and low, above and below. *Toto, a subject to, dependent on. ofoil, a. destitute of oil, not oiled. of WJosso, &CWJTosso, ad. from the first, all along, from first to last. otwsotto, first funeral obsequies. [gies. stāji, goddesses reckoned divine enerston, selfishly voracious, greedy, glut tonous, luxurious, not emulous. SII (STK, ad. half and half, by halves. stroszoosts, s. half a head-ache. stoitsfä, a half a fool, weak, foolish. stovitsiational, inclined to idiocy, foolish. stos.ston, g. half a meal, a tiffin. statzī1, s. half of a paisá, half a briek. stoog, s. half a seer, or about a pound. ofossfoto, a, internal, inherent. stag, s. a kind of trumpet, a drum. STzB, a. bound, tied, fastened, shut, im prisoned, confined: e. a kind of drum. <wfaf*, epistasis, a suppression ofuriue, constipation, costiveness. *stratorato, s. a kind of sweetmeat. *oto-fi, s. a fine kind of sweetmeat. ofoissol, s. a pregnant woman. *I'vil, orato, s. an interlineation.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৪০৩
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