বিলি fgn, a solitary, lonely, private. ffsīā, a. mixed with rice-water. fάδvi, s. a bumeh; a profligate. foot, s. a tree. for, a confused, disconcerted. for, a false, untrue, unsubstantial. fo, s, one of the Hindu infernal refgs, a having slaked the thirst. [gions. fầGoi, a. impudent, audacious. fog, a. affrighted, terrified. fos, a. of an opposite party. fR 7 gas, a. censorious: s, a detractor. fool, s. a malignant enemy. f{Iso, s. light, a sunbeam, energy. বিদ্রোহ, s. malevolence, malice. f**T*T<5, s. an ordinanee; a prescriber. ffort, a. according to precept. বিধূত, a. agitated, sifted, ventilated. fow, s. Ráhu, the ascending node. for, a destitute, distressed, afflicted. f{RA, s. agitation, trembling. fogo, a, upheld, sustained, propped. fata, s. the plaiting of the hair. fossi, s. a shoe, a boot. faffa, a. without difficulty, easily. fast-foot, a. almost destroyed. footato, a. involuntary, unwilling. fifsissa, a conclusive, decisive. fiftofo, s. a fall, downfall, calamity. fift:Tsi, s. an appointment, installation. foss, a. placed in order, deposited. frviffzel, s. a blister on the foot. foot, a. abundant, much, plentiful. fo, a, expanded, open, blown. fāzt H, s. banishment: a. unclothed. fHtztgi, s. a bridegroom, a husband. fos, a born after division of property. fetzog, s. the sun, fire. fa offs, a. spoken, expressed; doubtful. fêtfozol, s, fear, object of terror. faceso, a foolish, demented, crazy. বিমুগ্ধ, a. fascinated, infatuated. fossol, s. a liberator, a deliverer. fātsfē, s. fascination, stupefaction. f33T51, a. past menstruation. făoa, s. a present at a shrāddha. fosofo, a, striped, marked in lines. [ 398 | বৈড় বিলোচন, s. the eye. [lowing. foston, s. a stirring up, churning, walfR*Ifo I, a. without branches, lopped. footso, a free from grief or sorrow. footfön, s. a consoling, comforting. বিশোধন, a purifying, cleansing, correct foss, a trusted; tranquil, rested. [ing. fog, s. trust; hilarity, affection. for 5, a renowned, celebrated. fR**2, ad everywhere, universally. fores, a. all-deceptive. fos, a. all-creating: s. God. frozo, s. a name of Shiva. faa.go, a relating to, about, concerning. fog, s. the diameter of a circle. fairg, s. the hardening of cement. fog, s. a tree, a seat, kushá grass. forfă, s, unpaid labour. fo, s. danger, strait, jeopardy. বিসৰ্পণ, s. a moving, extending, spreading. forge, s. expansion, a spinning out. fostfäy, a extended: s. axis of a sphere. fo, a diffused, extended, spread out. frozłow, s, tremulous motion, tremor. faiotă, a manifest, evident, clear. forg, s. the twang of a bowstring. faz sí, s. gladness, joy, pleasure. footo, s. the sky, the atmosphere. à-TE, s, the top of a well. zft=&+í, a. misehievous: s. abhorrence. àto, s. a chief among heroes So, s. a strutting, a swaggering. o, s, the barking of a dog. ofo, s, the organs of sense. gafoil, s. a seedsman, a sower, a weaver. বৃ^হিত, a. grown, increased, nourished. gol, a tree-climbing: s. a parasite. gfāR, s. hair; sin, crime, wickedness. goals. Hof, s, the offering of a bull. gasfoil, s. a seller, a vender, a salesman. con, s. a cloak, overall, mantle, a wrapczfRSZU, perceptible, ascertainable. [per. বেহাই, s. same as বৈবাহিক; fem. বেহাইন. ČosqJ, s. hostility, unpropitiousness. to 5*U, s skill, tact, proficiency. tasian, s, the last month of pregnancy. totago, a hypocritical, deceitful.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৪১০
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