সুরাজক, a. ruled by a good king.
সুরুঙ্গা, s. an excavation, a mine.
সুশৃঙ্খল, a. well-arranged, orderly.
সূত্রপাত, a. measuring, planning.
সেক, s. a wetting, sprinkling, pouring.
সেথুয়া, s. a fellow-traveller, a guide.
সোঁধান, s. a perfuming, making fragrant.
সৌর্য্য, s. learning, literature, literary eminence.
স্তম্ভন, s. a stupifying; a stupor.
স্তিমিত, a. wet, moist; taciturn.
স্থায়ক, s. a surety, an overseer, a chief.
স্থিরবাদী, a. keeping one's word; exact.
স্নিগ্ধমূর্ত্তি, a. clement, placid, mild.
স্নেহদ্রব্য, s. any greasy liquid, oil.
স্রক্, s. a chaplet of flowers, a necklace.
স্বরস, s. attachment, love, fondness.
স্বরূপযোগ্য, a. capable, able, qualified.
স্বরূপাখ্যান, s. a stating the real facts.
স্বাধিকৃত, a. made one's own, subjected.
স্বাপদ, s. a wild beast.
স্বিন্ন, a. expanded by heat, sodden.
হন্যা, a. snappish, snarling, surly.
হস্তদোহার, s. an assistant; a weapon.
হস্তপাদাদি, s. the extremities.
হাঁসফাঁস, s. a puffing and blowing.
হা, intj. alas! s. a gaping, yawning.
হাইড়, s. stocks, wooden fetters.
হাইর, s. loss, failure, defeat.
হাইল, s. a rudder, a helm.
হালবাহক, s. a ploughman, a tiller.
হালা, s. intoxicating liquor; poison.
হাসিখুসি, s. laugh and sport, merriment.
হাস্কুড়্যা, a. always laughing, merry.
হিলোন, s. a cool breeze.
হিল্লোল, s. a wave, a billow, a breaker.
Scientific Names of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Reptiles, Trees, &c., &c.
2.—1 & 3 Aquillaria agallocha. 2 & 4 Amaris agallocha. 5. Plumbago zeylanica.
4.—1 Morinda tinctoria, used in dyeing.
5.—1 Eclipta prostrata. 2 Cytisus cajan.
7.—1. Periploca indica, or Asclepias pseudasarsa. 2 Hedysarum alhaji.
8.—1 Arundo bifaria?
15.—1 Nymphæa lotus.
17.—1 Viz. the fruits of Terminalia chebula, Phylanthus emblica, and Menispermum cordifolium. 2 Tamarindus indicus.
20.—1 Jonesia Asoca. 2 Physalis flexuosa.
25.—1 Helicteres Isora. 2 Calotropis gigantea. 3 Juglans regia.
34.—1 Spondias mangifera. 2 Clupea prinoides of Gmelin, and Clupée apalike of Lacépède.
35.—1 Tamarindus indicus. 2 Eupatorium Aya Pana.
37—1 Carpopogon pruriens, Roxb. 2 Cymbidium tessaloides. 3 Cucurbida lagenaria. 4 Prunus triflora.
40.—1 Nymphæa cœrulea; also, Asparagus racemosus.
41.—1 Coccinella of several species. 2 Wrightea antidysenterica. 3 Vitex negundo. 4 Clupea alosa.
42.—1 Termes bellicosus.
44.—1 Ficus glomerata.
47.—1 Ficus glomerata.
51.—1 Saccharum cylindricum.
52.—1 Andropogon muricatum.
57.—1 Ricinus communis. 2 Alpinia cardamomum. 3 Cyprea caput serpentis.
58.—1 Gallinula nictycorax. 2 Viz. Xiris indica, Verbena nodiflora, and Hibiscus esculenta. 3 Hibiscus rosa sinensis.
59.—1 Lutianus scandens, Lacépède; Perca vagabunda, Buch. Mss.
60.—1 Esox scolopax, Buch. Mss. 2 Allangium hexpetalum. 3 Momordica mixta. 4 Bauhinia variegata and purpurea. 5 Lanius excubitus. 6 Cæsalpinia bonducœlla,