অফি stofo, s. a market, a shop. *I*T**T*, *, a time of adversity. stoffë, s, objection, a remonstrance, expostulation, excuse; also, vide • f*i*. *T*[W, s. a misfortune, calamity, an acci dent, danger, adversity, an evil. Stososo, a unfortunate, distressed. ST“ FR, pron. own; your. &f*fr«IgT, prom. thy, thine, your. wrotarotofo, ad. of one's self, spontaneSfvizitzr, pron. own, our, your. [ously. stofR, pron. self, you, your honor. *T*sa, a. seized by, affected by, wrought *stoir, pron. self, ownself [on. stofo, s. a compromising, amicable WTosso, s. a potter's kiln. [settlement. ofostol, a. unripe, imperfect. stofrør, s. a plant (Achyranthes aspera.) Wrosso, s. a falling, present time, passing instant, appointed time, opportunity. ofosso, ad. at the present moment: a. *T*To so, s. sudden death. [sudden. *Tosso, adnow, instantly, immediately. of-staitz, a liable to, obtainable. wrotto, -offs, -ogos, from head to foot. *I'vis'ssor, ad. even to the most vile. ofots,a. boundless, numerous, innumersifoi, pron. self, one's self, itself. [able. *Iffvići, s. English, an appeal. otfoto, 8. English, an appellant. otosta, s. the udder of a cow; fat. *Toffo, s. a baker, a confectioner. *Tog, own; obtained, revealed, authentic আপ্তগ্রাহী, a. avaricious, greedy. [mony. SIT«gzisz, s. a revelation, authentic testiotoss, accounting self the sole object. <Itotytfg, a.refreshed, re-animated. [ing. *312Fjø, o]12:54a, s. the act of overflowWI2Fsso, s. an overflowing, a flood. [tum. sT°FTI¬, a..overspreading: s. the omenWI2F142, s. an overflowing, a flood. *II*Fifts, a. overflowed, suffused. *Ilek.lă, a, bathed, overflown, suffused. **T*E*R, ad more, more than, extraordi**II*Fs, e. the same as আপদ, [nary. *II*F, s. the leaping of fishes over a weir. [ 33 ... WISFso, s. a weir for catching fish. R | অবি
- Torso, e. the flouncing of a fish. আফিঙ্গ, আফিম, অহিফেণ, s, opium. sifosatorizr, s. an opium-eater, a sot. assoit, a. addicted to the use of opium. **Toto, a woe, grief: inj. alas! *altz, a. water; -org, a distiller, vintner. siz<srst, s the business of a distiller;
duty levied on distilleries. **NITC-II31, s. a small drinking vessel. *NIAWI31, s. a fleeting or light shadow. elfast, v. a. to shut a door, to close up. stagra, s. the shutting of a door. Leuse. RotzWI5, s. a cover, screen, shelter, ex*IIows:s, s. a selfish crying or repining. *STIA TIF, s. a water-cooler. [cooled. 514 WIFT-IT-1, s. a room where water is otzwift, s. the office of a water-cooler. আবলুস, or আবলুস, s. ebony. Roszo, s. a yoke-rope, a tying tight. *NIzsos, s. a mean and ignorant person. Rosso, a skreening, concealing, veil ing: s. a skreen; talc mineral. *Tosa, s, the act of skreening or concealsIIzzala, a concealable. [ing. sitzgātās1, s. concealableness. [ment. * আবর, s. outerfold or outside of a gar*S1TF, s. chastity, honor, reputation. STETFTTH, a. honorable, ofgood repute. আবৰ্জ্জনী, s. refuse, sweepings, rubbish. StAE, s. a whirlpool, an eddy, circular motion, the spiral turn of a screw. আবন্তক, a. turning round: 8. in ana. the vertebrae of the spine. stofa, s. a returning, a turning round, a circular motion, an eddy. statist, s. a crucible. [stirring. staffs, a. stirred round, thickened by *sūzīān, a first, chief, principal, best. *51zosso, e. the appurtenances of an estate, trees and other property, &c. **Iow, s. descendant, posterity, race. *Itzát, s. a row, a range, a rank. [rily. *T*II, ad. certainly, assuredly, necessa*I*Jo, a necessary, indispensable, ex pedient: s. necessity, expediency. STA“IIGS, -SA, s. necessity, expediency, importance, indispensableness.