উঃ #, the 4th vowel. In comp. it is expressed by this symbol (t) called dirghaikár, and has the sound of i long. #otor, s, the letter 3, or the symbol (t). ãoa, a. seeing, beholding, looking at. *āşTW, s, invention: a, invented. #so, s. calamity befalling the rural pea*ঈদ, s. a festival, a holiday. [santry. ঈদৃক, Or ঈদৃশ, ad, thus, such, resembling ń1, s. envy, spite, malice. [this. ঈর্ষাম্বিত, ঈষাবান, ঈষী,a, spitefulmali. cious, envious, malevolent. **t, s. God, lord, master, name of Shiva, the supreme; beam of a plough. È*f*f*fèXII, a plant (Gloriosa superba). #wifa, s. splendour; name of Shiva: a. north-east; -oto, north-east quarter. ão, s. Jesus, the Redeemer of mankind: ঈশু খ্রীষ্ট, s. Jesus Christ, the Saviour. #4a, s.God, the Creator, Supreme Lord. ####, s.Godhead, the attributes of God. ঈশ্বর নিষেধ, or ঈশ্বর প্রতিষেধ, s. atheism. #4afo, a firmly relying on God. ###&#t38, #####, devoted to God. ###ts, a goddess, an empress, a queen. #5, or #81, s, the beam of a plough. às, ad, a little, somewhat, slight. ềziņā, a, lukewarm; -El, lukewarmness. āşāsīālā, a shallow, not very deep. ঈষদগুণ, s. slender abilities, a smattering. #sweta, s. a glance, a slight view. È stwfn, s. a peccadillo, a slight fault. ###if:{J, s. a slight laugh, a smile. #sofarawn, s. a smiling countenance. #swä, somewhat crooked, bent, curved. ##1, s. study, a striving, endeavour. È, the fifth vowel; it has the sound of u in full. In comp. it is expressed by this symbol (, ) called braswa-ukár: ints. Oh expressive of pain. উঅীচুঅ1, a. Spoiled in the cooking. Rüş, s. a termite, a white-ant; —or, a white-ant hill. §Coitzsi, s. a termite, a white-ant. T3, E, intjs. expressing assent, surprize, compassion and anger; aye! has [ 42 J উকু §5, §5, v. a. to stir up, to raise up, to peck (as birds),to strip a thatch, straw, or grass, to collect, gather (as grain). § 5, a. exalted, high, lofty, tall. উচকপলিয়া, a. having a high forehead. §5, § 51s, a torn off (as thatch from a house), collected (as grain). §sists, a high and low, rough, uneven. উচল, উচলা,, to tossup, agitate (as corn or a liquid), to bubble, to boil over. §5*a,§5=ta, a. agitatimg: s. the agitat ing or falling out of a vessel. §zä, ö oil, v.a. to be agitated, to leар, to skip, to overflow. [the thatch. §§1, v. a. to take up, to lift up, to peck Šato, a liftingup, pecking, a gathering. §f{Costol, s, the male of the white-ant when it has acquired wings. ës, pron, that man or woman, he, she. उँछँ, a particle of refusal or denial, no. ŪZĘ, v. a. to rasp, to file. Üzo, s. a file, a rasp; a meteor, a torch, a firebrand; sugarcane: stray, strange. Özgü, a. intolerable, hot, mad, furious. ūzgāpāi, a belonging to the hot season. Üot, s. askimmer, ladle; a mark tattooed by Hindu women on the forehead. Čol, s, a rasp, a file; meteor a torch, a firebrand, a flaming wisp of straw. §oss, s. the letter 3, or the symbol (,). *ēzīfās, s. an embassy, pleadership, at torneyship, agency, a deputation. Üzofoisotsi, s, the credentials of an ambassador or agent, a power of attorney. §f, s, a peep; a straining to vomit; -ēs. to retch in vomiting; -STA, to peep. ūfīon, s. the act of retching to vomit. §fsaf, s a peep, a peeping or prying; -şIf?, to peep, to pry. [peeping. উকিমারণ, or উকিঝুকি মারণ, s. the act of *ūzātā, s. an attorney, a pleader (in a court) an ambassador, an agent. È stait, s. the business or office of an attorney or ambassador; a negociation, §§s, or ëo, s. a louse; a bug. উকুণীয়পোকা, s. a weevil. ēgta, a. lousy: ad, lousily.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৫৪
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