উত্ত tol, a. impatient, troubled: s, an overউতার, উতারা, ৪ a copy, duplicate. [flow. È stsil, impatient, uneasy, hasty, anxious. উতুল, v. n. to boil over, to overflow. ***, a. anxious, regretting, sad, vexed. §so, a bad, painful, troublesome, disagreeable, excessive, mad, furious, drunk. Resotet #1, 8, one who eats excessively. §ool,s. regret, care, anxiety, melancholy, sullenness, vexation, uneasiness. Resosos, a. dejected, distressed, anxious, thoughtful, vexed, sullen, melancholy. IIFFFS, a.fem. anxiously waiting for, or expecting (her husband or lover). Roof, s, excellence, abundance. §ofol, s. anxiety, thought, care. উৎকুণ, or উকুণ, s, a louse. §so, a, excellent, best, elevated, good. উৎকৃষ্টতা, -ča, S. goodness, excellence. Estats, HR, s. a bribe. [transgression. SsGF I, s. a leap, a jump, irregularity, §sors, a, leaped up, transgressed. §scioto, s. an osprey, an eagle, (Falco§sfo, tossed up, thrown up [utkrosa. §ocovi, 8. a tossing up, a throwing up. §scoso, a, throwing up: s. one who Röscovic, s. a throwing up. [throws up. §oots, capable of being thrown up. Roosts, s, eradication, destruction, ruin. È sorrët, destructive, subversive, ruinous. ūgo, a hot, heated, burnt up, excited. άσsI, a. chief, best, excellent, very good. §ossoit, s. a good or excellent work. Èg srst, -ez, s. excellence, superiority. §gstow, g. a high office, chief seat. ÈgsTsí, s. a creditor, a money-lender. ūgiritors, s. a capital punishment. §goto, s.the head, chief member. [tion. §gsto,a. improvable, capable of meliora§§§, v. n. to arrive at a place, to alight, to land from a ship or boat. Èēzr, a. subsequent, posterior, ulterior, succeeding; north: s. an answer; the north quarter; a consequence; arrival. Roggiogg, ad, successively, gradually. ūggzoo, s, one who replies or answers. §§ {, s, future time, a future state. [ 45 | উত্ত Rogofol, a funeral obsequies or rites. &or-too, s. a refutation, a rejoinder. $ors, e. the act of arriving, alighting, or ūgorgota, s. a baiting place. [landing. Rogrätz,a, capable of being got through, crossed over, or arrived at. [entia.) IE #3, s. the furthest tooth (dens sapi§owtol, g. one who gives a reply. উত্তর দায়ক, উত্তরদায়ী, a. answering, re§gstas, s, the north quarter. [plying. §grows, e. the north country. *gorzio, g. reply to an argument, minor proposition in a syllogism. [word. §grow, g. last member of a compound §gorzosos, s. a dialogue, the pleadings in a law suit, a dispute, altercation. TEFFST, a giving a reply. [du zodiac. TEFFSSést, s. 12th mansion in the Hin§§§ Esso, s, the twenty-sixth mansion in the E[indu zodiac. [able. §gstafss), a. deserving a reply, answer§ggitot, s. a witness testifying upon what he has heard from others. §g gossosz, a. one who directs all the minutiae of a religious ceremony, an umpire, an auxiliary, a prompter. §ggots, g. a baiting place, an inn. §gsfoss, s. an inheritance. §ggsfotoroso, s. a will, a testament. §gif&ssol, heirship, proprietorship. §g giftofft, s. an heir, a successor. ūgāT53s, s. a reply which is inapplicable to the charge, another reply. Seggets, s. a prevarication, equivocal reply; in law, an apparent reply. §gotia, s. the sun's path north of the equator, the tropic of Capricorn. §gortstol, s. 21st mansion in the Hindu §53 so, s. an outer garment. [zodiac. §gāt, a. outer garment passed over the right shoulder and under the left arm; the sacred thread when thus worn. Rogotá, s, the upper flowing garment. §gos, ad. at last, afterwards, squently. Ggtgą, ad.northerly, northwards, subseউত্তরে দুঃ, ad, to-morrow, on a futureday. Čgogtag, ad more and more.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৫৭
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