উৎ §ggal, s. a threatening, a dunning. §gān, s. over flowing of ariver or pond; a running or boiling over of aliquid. ësto, supine, lying on the back, shallow. §atazarát, a lying in a supine posture. Gātas I, a. idem; also, s. an infant. ūgton, s. heat, ardour, fervour, zeal. §Givin, 8. the making of a thing hot. ëstorists, a capable of being heated. §atfors, a heated, made hot. §ators,g. the causing to arrive or alight. §§tes,arrived, got over, escaped, rescued. ëÇöşal, s. a polishing, importunity, dun§Catso, a, elevating, raising up. [ning. উত্তোলন, s. the raising or elevating of a thing, a boiling over, an overflowing: উত্তোলনদণ্ড, s. a lever. [or elevated. §:#t=sity, a capable of being raised up ČCatso, a, elevated, raised up, made to boil over, or to overflow. [gusted. §ero, a rejected, abandoned, vexed, dis§or, rising, standing erect, arising from. §ossi, v. n. to overflow, to boil over. §orān, s. an overflowing, a boiling over. Rootso, a. overflown, boiled over. §orra, s. a raising, rising, or getting up. GeoffÈRzēTR-it, s. a festival observed in honor of Vishnu's rising from his sleep. $otors, a raising up: 8, one who raises up, a raising machine, an elevator. êortosz, s. the act of raising up; in arith. the producing of the answer or result. উথfoi-1, S. elevation, a raising up. উন্থাপনীয়, উথাপয়িতব্য, a. গুide উথাপ্য. Rootsfoss, elevated, raised up. [elevated. §orizij, a, capable of being raised up, or §fors, a. erect, risen, exalted. Röforso, s. erection, elevation, arising up. Ès viszi, s. a leaping up, a mounting. Čs offs, s, production, a production. Čezsä, a. produced, arisen from. ūsoioi, s. a waterlily, a lotus. [dication. উৎপাটন,s.a rooting up, eradicating, eraউৎপাটনীয়, উৎপাটয়িতব্য, a. pide উৎপাট্য, È sviffG 5, a. eradicated, rooted up. È soffGJ, a. capable of being rooted up, requiring to be eradicated. [ 46 ) जेल §s offs, s.ruin, outrage, danger, tumult violence, provocation, a portent. ësorrors, involved in ruin or calamity, persecuted, suffering violence. [ing ësoftwas,a producing, exciting,occasion. Rosoftwa, a bringing forth, a producing. ÜsoftWRCTsots,a. producible, productible. উৎপাদনীয়, উৎপাদয়িতব্য, উৎপাদ্য, a. ca pable of being produced, producible. ësztso, a produced, arisen from. উৎপাদ্যমান, a. coming into existence. উৎপ্রেক্ষা, s. a simile, similitude, a resemblance, a metaphor, an illustration. *2Esz, s, a jump, a leap, a bound. êsoston, s. a leaping up, a jumping. ës”FTs, leaped up, bounded, Sprung up. উৎফুল্ল, a, expanded, blown, gladdened. ūsā, s. a spring, a fountain, a cascade. §sosof, s, the bosom, the lap, the hips. ësia, s. a festival, holiday, festivity. Ès Haff-H5, joined with festivities, conviEs sisf, s. a gift, ofering, oblation. vial. §s Hän, s, the offering of an oblation. উৎসর্জনীয়, or §so, a. proper to be offered, fit for an oblation. È«HTE, s. zeal, Courage, energy, effort, eagerness, perseverance, enterprize. উৎসাহ শীল,a. active, zealous, courageous, ardent, eager, sanguine, enterprizing. উৎসুক,a. zealous, eager, energetic; peniউংসৃষ্ট, offered in sacrifice, given. [tent. উৎসেচন, s. a throwing of water upwards. Św, s. an otter; water. ÈRE, s. the north quarter. ÈRE, s. water. [nically, dwarf. §Wsia, pointing upwards, high, tall; iroūWN, a. unrestrained, open, candid, free. §WNTR1, a. sincere, unsuspecting, cheer ful, docile, simple, thoughtless. Üß, s. rise, rising into view. [serpent. §Wązosoi,s. time of sun-rising; name ofa §ofstfä, s. the eastern mountain. §73, s. belly, bowels;-os, gastric fluid. ềRzIxĩ#sq, voluptuous, gluttonous: 8. an ūWoo, a situated in the belly. [epicure. ūWzozog, s. in ana, the abdominal ring. §74 scattooi, s, the abdomen, the pelvis.
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