উপ §off, s, the top, height: ad upon, over. êogo, a. pained, afflicted, seized by a calamity; eclipsed: s. in mytho. Ráhu. Rivrossfig, s. a superintendent over watchÜoso, a ceased, stopped, desisted. [men. Èzig zzzz, a. indifferent, stoical. §vigfē, s.cessation, a stopping; pleasure. §osgeist, s, the upper part. [another. ūzīātū’īfā, ad. in succession, one upon **satsi, s. a full eclipse; a calamity. ëvists, s. cessation, a stop, breaking off. ëvisã, ad, above, upon, upper: a. other. §vifoross, s. extra expenses. [person. উপরিদৃষ্টি, 8. looking of evil spirits upon a §officitzrol, s. aerial or malignant spirit. §ofootfä, a. other, another. Rêvisã-ZT3, -of-fi, s. a malignant spirit. voifessi, s. the upper part. Rootfjors, ad. from above, above, up. §ofia, Čoffo, a. situated above. Rovio, a. skreened, protected, defended. Rêvitz, ad. up, upon, upwards. owitzrg, ad. upper, the topmost one. Rêvico Tos. partiality, protection,support. defence, favour, kindness. [tection. §ossos, a. defensible, deserving of proRootsfjoifa, ad. one above another, higher §o, s. a stone, a rock. [and higher. ****,\}ood, s. a synecdoche, an inference, an indication, illustration. §ofo, a. inferred from, deduced. §ofāzāj, a. inferrible, deducible. vo, a. guessed, understood, received. BoszifR,perception, conception, surmise, the understanding, gain, acquisition. Roots, s. an alleviation, relief, abating. Goi*tsizo, a. alleviating, relieving. Root-to-oto, offt,a,alleviating, appeasing: s. one who alleviates. [peasing. &irtifa, s. alleviation,tranquillity,anapëvräts,e. a commencement, a beginning. §oriouto, s. the upper garment. §oots, destruction, finishing, an end. êoof, s, an inseparable preposition; a symptom of a disease; a portent. ëvision, a. secondary, subordinate: s. something secondary or subordinate. [ 50 | উপা §off, a. approximating: s. a favorite. §oofs, s. an approaching, access. Świąt, s, a concubine, a kept woman. §of g, s. generative organs of both sexes, the hip, the arms: a, near, proximate. §vifas, a near, standing near, present, arrived, ready at hand. [speaker. *if of s. eloquent person, a ready Rosača, s. profit,gain, income, perquisite, proceeds, the produce of the soil. §osos, a. smitten, struck, hurt. §osafoss, a laughed at, smiled at. §ososos, s. an offering, a present, a gift. ëvrafo, s. a smile, ridicule, a jest, joke. §ototozo, s. a jester, one who ridicules. §otocolios], a ridiculous, laughable. tofatjtz, s. a tale, a story, a narrative. Özito, s subordinate part, a subdivision. ëzito, a. admitted, taken for granted §ossosz, s. abstraction, a cause, a formal §ostofoss,8, proximate cause. [cause. §ossCo., a. excellent, admissible. §2TCW Tol, s. admissibility, excellency. Üotosa, s a cushion, a pillow,a bolster. §vitsa, s. surname, a title, an attribute. §oisosta, s. an instructor, teacher, tutor. §otostol, tutorship,office of a teacher. Ūoitze, s. a shoe, a slipper. ëzito, a, near, proximate. Švitz, s. an expedient, a remedy, a stratagem, a method, means, way, resource. §ottoos, a. able to contrive means. §visofsso, a. meditating expedients. Goffgfögl, s. a contrivance. §otton, s. a present, a gift. [means. §visit, a. making use of expedients, using §osso, a. acquiring, accumulating. §zito, s. an accumulation, an acquisition, gain, earnings, savings. [cures. §•ffs$%<zú,&. one who acquires or pro§oissotz, a. acquirable, fit to be earned §otifsso,acquired, accumulated, laid up. §offa, s. a religious or voluntary fast. §osso, a. attending upon, propitiatory, supplicatory: s. a servant, worshipper. &stors, s, the act of serving a person, supplication, prayer, intercession.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৬২
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