উন্ম toothal, s, service, worship, attendance, assiduity, supplication, intercession. §otharoff, s, one who sedulously at tends on a superior, a petitioner. tootho,\vital, deserving assiduous attention, placable, adorable,worshipful. **Iffo, assiduously served or attended. Gorrijzsta, a. receiving sedulous attenÈ orifs, s. a cartilage, gristle. [tion. È ortfogza, a. cartilaginous, gristly. Soy, or Egy, a. prostrate, reversed. *Cvio, a disregarding, neglecting. §Cosos,s, the act of disregarding a thing. §cofoto, a. deserving of disregard. §cosol, s. neglect, disregard. [garded. §Coifos, a neglected, contemned, disre§Coso, a. approached, connected with. §Conto, s. a name of the god Krishna. §oissol, s. a religious fast, a fast. §coilfss, a fasted, observed as a fast. §4, v. n. to depart, disappear, vanish, or evaporate, to dissolve away: a, erect. §o. v. n. to be plentiful, to abound, to superabound; to go to stool. Gaga, Gagte, s. a superabounding, a be ing plentiful: a. abundant, plenteful. Üzzi, v. to make abundant or plentedus: 8. abundance: a. abundant, plentiful. ūzā, e. the swell of a liquid in boiling; search, enquiry, a vestige. Szreiz, Szrgiszt, saboiling over or swelling up in boiling: a. made to boil over. Šátēs, a, erect, high, exalted, elevated. §45, or ëo, a prostrate, reversed. §e, a. erect, high, elevated: 3. height. TESZI, pron. both, two together. Čezso, ad. in both respects, mutually, between themselves, on both sides. §ego, ad. in both places. ūsāvū’so, a. situated on both sides. ūsāzīrāta, a belonging to both sides. §sco, ad mutually, jointly, conjointly. È Ezra, s. the unlading of a ship or boat. Čezsts, ad. with a loud voice. Sn, an interj.indicatinganger interrogation, assent, or cordiality; also, a hot. *ēot, s, a grandee: a rich, opulent. П 2 [ 51 J উলটা
- ęqg 1, •, a nobleman, an opulent man. Engrà, s. grandeur, nobility, opulence. Bari, s. a name of Durgá; linseed; alas! Sarja, s. the sounding of a depth. §wross, s. Shiva, the husband of Umá. Erft, a stupid, ignorant, clownish. **Con, 8, hope, expectation. [pectant. §owato, a hoping, expecting: s. an ex§onzsät, s. condition of an expectant. BF2, s. the breast, the bosom, the chest. Èsts, a. crawling, creeping: s. a reptile. # *gw, s. a breastplate, a coat of mail. §31sto, s.trick, an evasion, an excuse. §3, a great, ample, large: e. the thigh. §:Isstät, a creeping, crawling, going on §:sate, Noşrī, s. a spider. [the belly. §oil, s, wool, fur, felt. [soil. È stari, a. arable,fertile, prolific: s. a rich. §áoit, s. name of a celestial courtezan. Śāt, 8. the earth. [leaky roof.) §§, v. n. to leak, to admit the rain (as a èso, s, a leaking. SofT, a leaky. Üß, v. a. to set a thing down, to descend. ūčios, a naked, unclothed, bare. èzası, -z, s. nakedness, nudity. šāfāfāt, s. a naked woman. [down. Śāsū, v. n. to be reversed or turned upside §o, s. a plant (Abroma angusta.) Śāūzīāş, s. a turning, disorder. Śā, śāory, s. a kind of thatching grass. উলুউলু, 8. a shout uttered by women on joyous occasions: a, nearly descended. উলুক, c«i5zs, cŵisl, s.an owl (Strix ulula?) Rosol, s, the motion of the eyes when
intoxicated or sleepy. §:51, s. a meteor, a torch, a firebrand. §oloist, s. a link-boy, a torch-bearer. উলকাপাত, s. the falling of a meteor. উলকামুখী, কেখশিয়ালী, খেখী, s. a fox. $fo, s. a sort of tattooing practised by Hindu women on the chin and nose. §5, v. to turn upside down, to reverse. tool, a upside downwards, Wrong, con trary, reversed; -o, to reverse. §āfā, śa, s. a turning upside down. a. turned, topsyturvy, reversed. Śāivisã", ad. topsyturvy, confusedly.