এক ggvf, astori, s. quarter sera, a 4th part. „qas&tqarst, qzgwigsf*tagar, a. the fifty-first. goosters, azotti, a fifty-one. [leaves. goofs, s. a single leaf: a having simple ****, a having one foot or line, holding the same office or employment. aastofzstoff, a. monandrous. [mous. ots of, s, the same opinion: a unaniএকপরামর্শক, একপরামশী, a. agreeing in the same opinion, unanimous. offio, s. a covering sheet made with a single breadth of the cloth. 45°sso, s. a dose or draught. gzsvrt*t, qxgvft*ftgm, a. having one side; aslant: ad. on one side. [a lock.) *Coifs;1, a. opening at one turning (as goofs, a. united in the same plan of collusion or deception. gorg, a uniform, of one sort. [lord. agzigst, a. monarchical, subject to one একপ্রভক্ত, 8. a monarchy. [time. *একবক্র, a. simultaneous, coeval, at one ozoto, ad. on one side. ozsa, s. in gram, the singular number. „qaszyjtai, a. of the same age. [timent. goafo), a unanimous: 8. the same senegaszrţa.JEl, s. agreement, unanimity. ozoztförgl, a tenacious, dogmatical, pertinacious, obstinate: ad. on one side. ozscot, ad. on one side, in one part. goats, aorosoft, ad. once, one time, *goats, s. a total sum. [suddenly. একবিংশ, একবিংশতিতম, a, the twentysofotfo, ot, a twenty-one. [first. ofo, s. a single drop, a little, a drop. ofa", a twenty, a corge. [rival. of sit, a having the same object: 8, a qz5zJz¬it;im, a. following the same trade. goes;", a. eating once in 24 hours. A&eo, s. a vow of eating once in 24 ofa, a. intimate, equal. [hours. ossosz, a. unanimous, of one accord. **I*1, 8. the same opinion or design. arolifa1, a. once plastered over with earth (applied to Hindu idols.) a:fer, s. the same judgment or opinion; a. of the same design or opinion. [ 55 | ஆக) assif, a. of the same age or size, equal. gascafo, a, of the same clan s. one connected by the same common tie. [ther. offa, a.uterine, born of the same moof, s a grain, a very small quantity. of, a.alike, similar,same, resembling. aastartori, a obstinate; one-edged. ol, o, a. alone, solitary, single. 4®*f*, a. idem: s. vide q«*•rfèi. Aotos, ad. one or two together. a otifgal, a. lonely, recluse, un social. oforos, s. swelled testicles, a disease. **C*ss, a, having same issue or terminaএকষট্টি, একষষ্টি, a. sixty-one. [tion. gosi, gosso, a, the sixty-first. ot, a.united, collected, keeping company together, compact; accomplice. AGTET, AZETET, a. seventy-one. otos, a uniform, level, even, smooth. goatfits, a having the same master or otgift, s. a heifer one year old. [lord. of{1, a. single, not double. ol, a. alone, solitary. [same form. assosos, a. alike, uniform, having the Aztf(#t, a. fem. alone, solitary, single. ot, a. alone, solitary, single. όστέβ, a.having same shapeor form, si*Stor, a. devoted to onepursuit. [milar. ol, s. a pursuit of one sole object. ozososol, a governing the whole world. *I*T*1, s. the being of one only spirit. gFITTIK, s.the sentiment ordoctrinethat there is one only spirit. gassosztát, a. asserting or maintaining the doctrine of one only spirit. osmos, gossos, a. eleven. astrotsfessi, a. enneagynous. &zSIW*IC&*13T, a. enneandrous. of W*I*1, ad. of eleven sorts or kinds. *Iwossos, a consisting of eleven sorts, or, of eleven kinds. [eleven terms. otwootfoto, s.the rule of proportion of *Two, a polygon with eleven angles. owo, a, the eleventh (lunar day.) qgsfstēs, a. successive, uninterrupted. gastfoss, ad. successively, regularly. gososol, ad. merely one or two.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৬৭
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