কথা zees, s, theneck just abovethe collar-bone. a; s, a coming to the throat (aslife). offg, s. the collar-bone, the clavicle. zsfoortzft,a.wearing anecklace:s. theneck. zgstz Hā, s. marriage of the Vaishnavas. Foot, a guttural: s. a necklace. z535J, a guttural; zes, the class of guttur al letters, viz. অ অ! এ হ ক খ গ ঘ ঙ Se3, a. guttural, ofthe throat. Tits husk. zoo, s, the process of cleaning rice from Fool, s, an itching, eruption, the itch. কণ্ডয়ন 8, the itching of a pimple. কগুয়মান, a scratching, itching, itchy. *offs, a scratched, rubbed. zogotá, s. a basket, a meat-safe; -otal, a mean or vulgar lute. zĘs, s. a nib; catechu or Japan earth. zo, asso, ad, how much how many? zoo, a. some, a few, several: nux-vomica. 2554; 31, a. some, an uncertain number. 255-zosos, -os, ad. how long f some time. zg-ggä1, zgʻz3fä, ad. how many? কতট1, কতটী, কতটিন, ad, how many? zoo, of, ad how much? so little. zosos, ad, how long? how many days? 25&T's, ad, how often? many times. zool, Kosta, s. the shearing of sheep, a cutting or clipping of cloth, etc. *zoos, s. murder, slaughter, destruction. **E*1,8. a piece of land, a share, a portion. zosos, s. a series, a row, range, file, rank asovo, a. some, a few, several: ad how zo[5<5, a few, somewhat. [many zoos, s. a palpitation of the heart. *ESCzzi, s. the same with of Gozo. zoosa, ad. why? how what? zooso, s. a speaker;-&l, office of a speaker. Faso, s. a speaking or uttering; a word. কথনীয়, কথয়িতব্য, %dd কথ1. Foll, s, a word, a sentence, a speech, a **IIC5íos, s. a plagiary. [story. zoos Io, s. a set form of words, a studied speech, a literary composition. z5QII®Î¤Î, s. the introduction of a topic, discourse, a topic of conversation. Kottais;1, s. conversation, chitchat; news. Foots, ad, verbally, orally, in words. [ 62 | কনি
- If? Fosts, ad. in conversation. [rister. arossifsz, s. a pleader, a solicitor, a bar**Totos, s. a fame, a report. - assors, a. spoken, mentioned, expressed. *Cottosolo, s. conversation, free intercourse, dialogue, conference. [tioned. *2], a fit to be spoken, proper to be menFootysto, a, under mention, mentioning. 3.271&2),a, fit and unfit to be mentioned. zoos, s. bad writing, scrawl, bad letters. zoo, s. bad or disagreeable food. *wsT, s. a pace, a footstep, foot; vide <W*. zowejoi, s. a bad habit, evil practice. zvrsti, s. the name of a sweetmeat. zēns, s. a tree (Nauclea cadumba). [tion. zoWozo, s. a crowd, a multitude, a collecকদম্ব কুসুম, s. the flowers of the Nauclea. *W****Totos, a globular. [or thing. *zog, s. the value or worth of a person 4,73 WTA 8. one who knows the value or
worth of a person or thing. *W*sj, a base, bad, disagreeable, unpleasant to the touch, depraved, abominable. *W*sjö1, s. badness, disagreeableness, de*W*it, s, plantain and its tree. [pravity. z-71, ad. when? at what time? zoWszosos, a ugly, ill-shaped, uncouth. FEWI5, ad. seldom, scarcely ever, at any zoWT5-, ad. sometimes, seldom. [time. &WI5tz. a. wicked, profligate, abandoned. offss, ad, rarely, scarcely ever, some times, seldom, occasionally. [and then. *Wifos, ad, at some time, sometimes, now *offs, a. old, ancient, former, prior: 8. কদু, কদুয়া, & a pumpkin. [the East. *#fff, s, abuse, scurrility, bad words. FHS, a. lukewarm, hot and cold. কধী, 3%, ad, when 2 when, at any time. zozo, s. gold; the name of several plants. কনকচম্পক, কনকচাঁপা, 8, a flower tree. asso, s. the name of a drug. *Rosi, s. a species of thorn-apple. কনকাই -ঘোড়া, -টাটু, Kankái horse or poZois, s. a tent-fence, an outer tent. [ny. zofo, a. youngest, least, inferior, junior. zofol, s. minority, inferiority. zofol, s, the little finger.