কাশী assador, s, a species of quail.” zososo, s, the name of a fish.” zo[Fizsi's, s. the name of a particular tune or method of singing by response. zofiafot,s, one well versed in the kálwāt. afāīārīī-fi, a tempestuous, stormy. zofossfä5, s. black pepper. *foss, s. a variety of pulse." [niculata). <if=TCETEI, s, a febrifuge plant (Justicia pazofoixson, s. fig. a tyrant, a monster. zofotosa, s. spending of time. [bruise. zoofssors, s. a bruise, the livid colour of a zofirioi, zofirifoi, s. the black and most mortal variety of the Cobra de capello. *fossi, 8. the Hindu hell. [ful. zētā HZFoi, a. death-like, fatal, solemn, awaffail, a. deaf, cold, black: s. a fish-spear; -os, a dyer of black; -ot, black-faced. afāffif, s, the universal conflagration at the end of the world. [end to time. zofeifso, s. epithet of Yama, who puts an zoforos, s. another time, a different time. assifosfit, s. Port. a calking; a calker. *Toto, s. twisted silver and silk thread. assissfä, oftcoils, s. an impure time, the time of impurity. zoff, s, in arith. product of a sum, result or working a sum; goddess Kāli; ink; the flowers of onions: ad to-morrow. zofol, s goddess Kāli: ad. to-morrow. zoff-Bl, affäts!, s. a scar, mark of a bruise zstfäät, a. destructive, deadly, ruinous. zoff of s. a name of the river Yamunā. zofossi, s. blackness, darkness. [ny. z5tfFiș, a. weatherbeaten, sunburnt, tawz5ffāšzá, s. a tan colour: a. tawny. zot, s. ink; the goddess Kāli; a stain, a stigma: a black, filthy, squalid. zotz, or zofeitz, a. relating to time. zoforso, a feigned, false, hypocritical, artificial, fictitious: s. a hypocrite. zşfe.orfizēst, s. hypocrisy, dissimulation. zotoji, a. squalid, dingy; pleasant talk. zofor, s. a cough; a kind of grass.” কাশন্দি, s. ide কাসন্দি, কাস, &c, zoff-soil, s a tall species of grass.” zofoil, s, the name of the city of Benares. [ 74 | কিছু assosta, s. the name of a country. zosts, a belonging to Káshmir. zoo, s. wood, timber, fuel. কাষ্ঠপাদুকা, s. a clog, a sandal. assostos, a woody, wooden, well wooded. zossă, s. a raft of timber. *tol, s. a point of the compass, space, a tract, a region, a place, a site, a limit, a boundary, excellence, superiority. *Tofo, s. a stool, a bench. Gff P, s. Eng. caustic, a cautery. zgsfag, s. endive (Cichorium endivia). ZETF, v. n. to cough: s. a cough, rheum. EfziET, a. occasioning cough. zofol, a good to remove a cough. ZGİ FIR, s. the act of coughing. of ifos, s. sauce, pickle, a pickle made of mango, tamarind, and mustard seed. a fostsy's, a. afflicted with a cough. *T*Cossos, s. a cough, the consumption. «Ħ#t, s. a cough; the consumption. **Tito, s. a courier, a messenger. zofity, s. copperas, green vitriol. *TTYs, a. afflicted with a cough. zgrfgzil, s. a siekle; C5T<Ti, a name of a bird. zofoto, ad. to any one, to some one. zstasi, asratziq, s. 16 panas of 1280 cauris. zososo, of:TC: to whom 2 what person 7 zstaff,8.pálki-bearer: ad, whose?-fosso. to whom 2-cos, -focos;s, whose 2 zotzial, s. a kind of dance. [history. zo if it, s. a tale, a story, a narration, a zstfää, a. weak, faint, weary, ill. zo[foot, s. weakness, faintness, illness. fĒ, or fãs, pron. what? *f;**Isa, s. a kind of silk or brocade. fogo, s, a flower tree (Butea frondosa). fog, WTH, s. a servant, a slave. fool, -o, s. servitude, slavery. fifsät, s, a girdle set with small bells, small bell, any tinkling ornament. fisy, or foss, s. mud, mire, dirt, slimeকিচির-কি চর, -মিচির, কিচমিচ, s. a chirping or chattering noise. [the teeth. কিচুকিচু, s. the grating of sand between কিছু, pron. some, a little, any (thing). কিছুকিছু 4/70%. SOme, a little, somewluat.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৮৬
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