কিম্বা fogts, ad, what sort how altered for the worse 1 (in a ludicrous sense.) fgifo, ad. perhaps, lest, for fear of fFoea, pron, some; any, a little. fāfos, pron, some, any, a few, a little, somewhat, very little. fifewool, ad, within a little, almost. কিঞ্চলুক, কেচুয়া, s, a worm, the earthworm. fäüfëïò,fêêfäöi, a. dirty, filthy, squalid. কিটমিট কিডুমিড়, s.the same as কিড়িমিড়ি. făşı,or styl, s. a worm, a maggot. কিড়িমিড়ি, কিডুমিড়নি, s: the grinding or gnashing of the teeth through rage. কি4 ov. a. to buy, to acquire by purchase. fãs, s. a wart, a mole, a corn or callosity, a cicatrix, a scar, a wood-insect. fan, a buying, a purchasing. [trade. fatcast, s. a buying, and selling, traffic, fāzi,s.ashare, aparcelor spotofground. footfol, s. shares: ad in parcels. *fÈ Etz, s, a book; -ortal, a library. *f, *sas, s, the learning to write, writing. fool, phra. that is to say, videlicet: s. a purchase; hatred, malice: a purchased. কিনার, কিনারা, or footst, s. a shore, an edge, a margin, a brim, a hem. কিনারায়, ad. ashore, on the brink. fog, conj, but, moreover, further. fog, s.fabled beings with horses' heads. fääzzo, s. a division of the earth. fosso, a, how far? how long ad, till făzzofa, ad, how what kind? [when P *f; offs, s, gain, profit, gain on trade. foot, a. saving, profitable. [lent foal, pron. what? what ad. how excelfoss, a how? in what way? [intention? fostof, ad why? wherefore? with what *f;:1, a minced: s. prepared molasses for the tobacco; -F, to mince flesh. făştzotz, ad, what sort 2 how formed? a. of an uncertain or uncommon form. *fifts", sist, chemistry; -forg, chemist. făsăratfan, s, the science of chemistry. *fora, s. a. sort of brocade. footsta, s.amiser: a miserly, niggardly. fawāt, s. a rumour, common report. fēril, conj. or, else, otherwise, either. [ 75 | কৗর fo, what? how? what kind? [what! fosofoto, a what sort show like Ho, pron, some, a few, a little. [ago. footo, ad how long? some little time footo, ad in a short time. fêafwa, ad. how long? eome days ago. fãarz, pron, what? some. কির, v. a. to expunge, erase, cross out. কিরণ, s. a ray, sun-beam; an erasure. কিরণমাত্র, 8. a mere ray. [splendid. কিরণময়,কিরণাম্বিত,a.radiant, ref ulgent, কিরা, s.an oath; #, or *s, to take an oath. forty, s. a miser; a dealer. [চিরতা, কিরাত, s. a mountaineer, a savage; vide foots s. a sword, a dagger, poniard, dirk. কিরীট, 8. a crest, tiara, diadem, a crown. foão, a what sort? what kind?ad, how? কিরকির, s. a grating sensation. fosfoss, s. cut work upon a ring. *f;foot, a crimson, scarlet. fāzi, ad certainiy, indeed:s. the fist, box; -WTosyl, callous, hardened by beating. foil, v. to beat with the fist; fish, fata, s. beating with the fist. [fisticuffs. fäätsa s. a beating or blow with the fist. făţă, s. a blotch, a whitish mark. fāzfāzi, s. ajumbling or ripplingsound. foil, s. a fort; -offs, the governor of a fort; -wift, the office of a killádár. focossa, s. a colt, young of any animal, a child under fifteen years of age. *foot, s. a ship, a boat, a tray, emula. tion, a particular movement in chess. fÈ*(fR*I, s. raisin, dried grapes. ffo, s. an instalment; a boat. [ments. fāfaz-st, s. agreement to pay by instal*fass s. a part, division; fortune, fate. *fsaris. astory, tale; -gsm, astory-teller. £to, s. a bone; a worm; a hard. *tio, otol, s. an insect, a worm, a Imaggot. ****, a full of insects, maggoty. #twits, s. a mere insect. [contempt). Žtääzow, s. an insect living on insect, (in কীকি, কাশ, ad. of what sort? how 2 *কামক, fossos, s. a kind of leather. *otos, s, the price or value of a thing. zotos, s, a parrot; a native of Kashmir.
পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৮৭
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