কুঞ্চি £oss, s. sastron; red powder play-balls. 38, v, a to cut, to cut into small chips, to chip: e. the sound of cutting. *5, a chip; woman’sbreast, pap;amarch. কুচকলিক, * 5xoto, e. a woman's breast. o,5&IS, s. chips and shaving.[conspiracy. 35 of, s, evil society, a circle of bad men; #535, s. an evil adviser, evil companions. *5.R, Göta, s. cuttingintobits; shrinking. 35Woo, s-playing with a woman's breasts. * 5ts, s. an evil inclination or bias. assin, e. evil conduct, bad habit. কুচল, a. small, little, minute; vide c«fsai. §5, v. a to chip, to gnaw s. a chip, a shaving, a splinter, a fragment. *5ts, e. the nipple of the breast. ofs, s.abrush, confectioner's brush; chip, কুচিকিৎসক, 8. a quack doctor. [bit, strip. *f;fosal, s. Quackery, bad acts in physic. EfSSF, a. thinking evil, contriving evil: s. one who plots mischief. [evil. Fossal, s. an evil thought, the plotting of assafot, a. plotting or contriving evil. £f5*, s. mux vomica: vide äfsam. zoÇ5zi, a. ill-elothed, shabbily attired. 2.5oE, a. doing evil, mischievous. [chief. Fool, s. an exertion to do evil of misroof, s, the groins, hollow of the hips. ow, s. doggerel poetry, mean poems. sool,8.slander, obloquy, accusation, stain a blot, a disgrace, libel, censure, blame. *I*Tot, s. a slanderer, an accuser. zofo, a ugly, bad, evil, uncomely. #53 to 1 s fragments and small chips. Eg, pron, some, a little, any (thing). *S, s. an earthen water-bottle; Tuesday. the planet Mars: a. hump-backed. zoo, ol, a low, base, mean, vulgar. কজড়বৃত্তি, Foots, s. meanness, vulgarity. zoo, s. a low, mean, or vulgar person. ol, a deformed,crooked, hump-backed: s. an earthen water-bottle, a gugglet. কুজৰাটিক, কুজন্মটি, s. a mist, a fog. zoof, s, an evil idea or design, craft. কুজ্ঞানী, crafty, having evil idea or design. £f®®1. e. the seeds of äs; vide *fsai. *so, a warped, shriveled, curled. [ 77 | কুষ্ঠী
- , *. ivory; a grove, a bower, arbour or, elephant; in comp. chief, eminent, কুঞ্জিকা, কুঞ্জা, কুঁজিকাঠি, s. a key. [noble. *5, v. a. to pound, to beat, to pulverize: s. a pinch or sudden gripe, a B steal, with a sudden pinchor gripe. [shaving. #3, s. a piece of straw or stick, a chip, a #55, s. a beating or pounding to powder: pounded to pulp. [between, a pimp. goal, a fit to be beat to a pulp: s a goFörst, she who peels vegetables; a procuress, a bawd; -of-1, business of a bawd. কুটরী, 8. an apartment, a room, a cabin. ####1, belonging to the hollow of a tree. $5: Tool, s. a species of owl. [pulp. £51, m. a. to cause to pound or beat to a #91, orofol, a cut and chopped: e. a bit of straw or stick, a chip, a shaving. কুটান, 8. a causing to pound. £518, s. a quibble, a covered design. কুটা, s. a morsel, a bit of stick or straw, a splinter, a small chip; the leprosy. কুটিকর, a. pounded, pulverized. # G#ff, ad, by small particles, by bits. #f75 g, s. a porpoise, the sea-hog. কুটিয়া, a, leprous: s. a leper. [insidious, কুটিল, a crooked, insincere, disingenuous. #so, -o, s crookedness, insincerity. ###f=>go, a insincere, fraudulent. #ff, s. an assembly; also, vide stat. কুটার, 8. a shed, hovel, booth, hut, a stall. £33, 8, a kinsman, a relative by marriage. কুটুম্বত, 8. relationship, kindred. [ship. কুটুম্বিত, a. related to any one: s relation###ì, s. householder, master of a house. কুটকুটু, goff, s, a throb, a twinging or
itching sensation, querulousness. #53571, a. peevish, querulous. [ress. কুট্টনী, s. a go-between, a bawd, a procuকুটপাট, a. excessive (laughter). [bud. কুটুমল, 8. an unopened bud, an opening, #5, 8, the leprosy; a tree. o, s. an apartment, a cottage, a cabin, a room, the body of a carriage. oso, s. an axe, a hatchet. কুঠী, s: a house, a palace, the house of an employer, a factory, a banking-house.