পাতা:Companion to Johnson's Dictionary, Bengali and English.djvu/৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।


 এলুয়া -থেলুয়া -মেলুয়া, to be read

 গর্ভ-বেদনা-যন্ত্রণা,   ’’

 গ্রাহকত, -তৰ,  ’’

 তূরী, s. a trumpet; -বাদক,,,

এলুয়াথেলুয়া and এলুয়ামেলুয়া.

গর্ভবেদনা and গভর্যন্ত্রণা.

গ্রাহকতা and গ্রাহকত্ব.

তূরীবাদক, a trumpeter.

N. B.-These and similar ones are to be observed throughout the Work.

Abbreviations used in this Dictionary.

a. adjective.

acct. account.

ad. adverb.

ana. anatomy.

arith. arithmetic.

astro. astronomy.

bot. botany. che., chem., chym. chemistry.

comp. composition.

conj. conjunction.

e. g. (exempli gratia), as for example.

Eng. English.

f., fem. feminine.

fig. figuratively.

gend. gender.

geo. geography.

gram. grammar.

im. sd. imitative sound.

ibid., idem, the same.

imp. imperative.

insepar. inseparable. interj., intj. interjection.

lit. literally.

masc. masculine.

math. mathematics.

met. metaphorically.

mytho. mythology.

neg. par. negative particle.

part. participle.

ph., phra. phrase.

pl. plural.

Port. Portuguese.

prep. preposition.

pron. pronoun.

s. substantive.

v. a. verb active.

v. n. verb neuter.

v. caus. causal verb.

vide, see.

voc. part. vocative particle.

 *** The asterisks prefixed to words denote that they are derived either from the Persian or the Arabic root.

 The double daggers denote that the words have both a Persian and Bengali meaning.

 The superior figures that may be found in the body of the work refer to the Notes at the end of the Dictionary.