কত do. Estatzii, s. a banker, an agent, a mer chant, the owner of house, a landlord. কঠীয়া, কুঠ্যl, a. leprous; indolent, (in conzotzsco, s. a toad, land frog. [tempt.) কড়, v. to collect, to pick up, to glean. ੇ, s: the leprosy; a medicinal drug; in comp. a heap, a pile; a bighá; vide stzīl. কুড়কলি, s. the workingasum in land measure, and giving the result in bighâs. #5, #3to, s, the act of picking up or collecting: a. picked up, gathered. কুড়নীয়, কুড়ানীয়, a found, picked up. ###, S. fishing eagle or osprey;' an axe. §§l, v, a to collect, to pick up, to glean. 351, s. a bigha of land; vide ßxT. কুড়ালি, o, s. an axe, a hatchet. [prosy. কুড়ি, 8. leprosy; a score, twenty; -o, le. £foil, s. a hut, a shed, a stall: a leprous; inactive, lazy, indolent (in contempt). ž35, a. about to hatch (as a hen). কুডৌল, a. deformed, shapeless, clumsy. FEJ, 8. a wall, plastering of a wall, [lazy. ol, a leprous; indolent, torpid, slow, কুড়ামি, 8. indolence, torpitude, slowness, §o, s. vibration of a string. [laziness. §ool, s. a griping pain in the bowels. Kolof, s, a corpse, a dead body. [arm. কুণী, s. a whitlow; the elbow; withered §§1, Co, a slinking into a corner, shy, #C-Tsotsi, s. a tom-cat. [bashful, timid. zooso, s. a species of frog or toad. কুণোমি, s.shyness, a shrinking from sight. কুণ্ঠ, কুষ্ঠিত, a. indolent, stupid, silly. #3, s. a pit, sacrificial pit, a bowl; a bas£33, s. earring; a coil of rope. [tard. কুণ্ডলধারী, a. wearing earrings. £oisoto, otoso,a circular, annulous. কুণ্ডলী, a. coiling, winding, assuming a spi ral form; -ostol, to coil, to twine. gotostolos, a serpentine. [vessel. কুণ্ডিক, কুঞ্জী, s: a basin, a hemispherical কুং, ৪ the ascertaining the quantity of an article by guess: a. ascertained by guess; -o, to ascertain by guess. #ši, ad, whence? from which? **, s: great or disagreeable heat, the eighth hour, or the middle of the day. [ 78 | কুন্দু ofois, hottest part of the day, or the o, a bad, evil, bad in kind. [midday. $32, s. a small leathern bottle for oil, etc. *$$ZI, or Fort-Il, s. a library. [tion. * ***Tğ3, s. a tickling, a tickling sensaಫ್ಲ್ಲಿ 8. ಡಿ large leathern bottle for oil, etc. o,8.eagerness, vehemence,briskness, sport,pleasure, merriment.gratification. কুতুহলী, a. sportive, playful, gratifying, vehement, impetuous, brisk, active.:szFRS, s. the ascertaining of the quan tity of an article by guess. §§l, s, a cur, a dog. {{#t, s. a bitch. 3, ad, where? in what place 2 £ofss, ad, wherever, wheresoever. ##fff, ad, wherever, wheresoever, any where, somewhere. Zgoril, s. censure, blame,calumny, blot, reproach, slander, accusation, ugliness. **T*E*, *s-statist, a reproaching, calumniating, censorious, slanderous. #&#TTE, a vile, full of evil, disgraceful, reproaching,scandalous, ugly, deformed. zo's fo, a, ugly, low, mean, vile, deform ed, disagreeable, disgusting, hateful. কুথ ăt, s. a checkered cloth, a horse-cloth. কুর্দাড়া, s, evil conduct, an evil course of কুদাল, কদালি, 8. a digging hoe. Dactions. কুদালিয়, s. the name of a plant.” #stri, s. an unlucky day, a cloudy day. zoos, s. a bad or unhealthy country, a country subject to injustice. *oss, s, power, might, force, ability. £ol, a powerful, able, forcible. <<T&T, s. an evil custom, evil conduct. কুনাম, s. infamy, a bad reputation. কনীতি, s. low or perverted morals. ಸ್ವನ್ತಾ 8. ಡಿ. throbbing, a griping pain. কুনকননি, s. a throbbing pain. [barley. zāsā, s. hair of the head, a lock of hair; কম্বন, s, a groaning, a straining at stool. Grā, s. frankincense; a lathe; —FH, a turner; -assiso, a turner's chisel. *E*R, s. a leaping, jumping, skipping. zgonā, s. a quarrel, a dispute, wrangling. কুন্দলীয়, a. quarrelsome, disputacious, litiকুন্দুরু, 5 incense, frankincense. [gious.
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