পাতা:Dialogues, Intended to Facilitate the Acquiring of the Bengali Language.djvu/৪২

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।


 The cultivation of indigo is very difficult. So much ploughing, and weeding, and carriage, there is no end to the expense; and if any of it is stained with carrying, they will not take it.

 If there be no gain, why do you cultivate it?

 I took ten rupees advance last year: now what can I do? I will cultivate no more when I have paid off those advances.


 Ho! where is Soondur Mundul gone?

 He went to the cutchery about an hour ago.

 What is your name? Say;—are not you Ram-Roodra?

 Yes, Sir, I am Ram-Roodra. I took of you twenty rupees advance for rice.

 What is to be expected from rice? Without more rain you cannot plant it. Give back the money.

 What can I do, Sir? I have planted half the land. When there is a little more rain, I will plant the whole.

 Hear; you are a very idle fellow. Other people's fields are planted, what's the reason that yours is not?

 Sir, you know the whole. My daughter's wedding is just over; that took ten days. After that a gentleman came and impressed me, and took me away three days. He beat me severely, and afterwards paid me nothing. I am helpless. What can I do?

 Hear; do you give back my money with interest, otherwise I will put a peon over you.

 Hear, Sir! I supplicate with joined hands. I will enter into an agreement, and pay you a rupee a month. I will write the promissory note.