পাতা:Márk Likhita Susamácár.djvu/৯

এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা হয়েছে, কিন্তু বৈধকরণ করা হয়নি।


 The consonants for the most part are to be pronounced as in English, with the following exceptions:

 c is to be pronounced like the English ch.

 t and d with a dot under them are to be pronounced as in English, but when without the dot, the tongue must touch the teeth while pronouncing them.

 r is always to be distinctly pronounced, as in Continental languages.

 s is for the most part pronounced as sh.

 v in combination, as after s, sh, d, n, is generally not pronounced.

 ksh is pronounced something like ky.

  has a nasal sound, as in the French, an.

  has a peculiar sound, the letter being pronounced with the tongue thrown back.

 jn is to be pronounced gy thus ájná is pronounced ágyá.

 Special attention must be paid to the letter h, which must always have its proper sound, except when at the end of a word, in which case it is not pronounced. Thus:

 kh is to be pronounced as in brick-house.

 gh ...  ...  ... log-hut.

 ch ...  ...  ... much-haste.

 jh ...  ... as ge-h in huge-house.

 th ...  ... as in pent-house.

 dh ...  ...  ... cold-hand.