পাতা:Reminiscences Speeches And Writings Of Sir Gooroo Dass Banerjee Reminiscences pt. 1.pdf/১৯৫

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178 EvENTS OF HIS LIFE. things, a searching one-sided view from each of two opposite points of view affords the best guarantec that nothing worthy of consideration has been missed on either side. I have been up to this point addressing you. Mr. Advocate-General and you. Mr. Senior Govt. Pleader jointly. Now I wish to say a few words to Mr. Advocate-General and to the Calcutta High Court Bar which you so worthily represent. Not having had the honour of belonging to that branch of profession which you lead I had no reason to expect from you that consideration of my work which the other branch of the profession of which I was a member might show. I therefore value your kind words all the more. You have very feelingly alluded to those days when you and I personally had to work together. Let me assure you Mr. Advocate-General that looking backwards I recall to mind those hours as some of the best, the pleasantest, the happiest hours of my life. Your kind words, to my mind, are also evidence of that friendly relation which has always existed between the two branches of the profession in this Court and which should exist for the welfare of both. Working harmoniously together, following your best traditions in the past, and keeping pace with the progress of time in the future, may you all go on helping the efficient administration of justice which is one of the highest blessings that the country can enjoy under British Rule. Calcutta Veekly Notes, Feb. 1st 1903.