ii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. while grieving his separation from Rādhā and wandering in the forest in the darkness of night, meets this elephant and taking it to be a real one rides it. Within a few minutes the elephant loses its form and dissolves, and Krisna finds himself surrounded by nine merry girls of the Vrindå-groves, Rādhā being the chief of them. (c). Baka-Badha.-The killing of the Crane-demon by Krisha (described in the Bhāgabata). Plate VII containing the above three pictures is reproduced from a painting measuring 8% ft. 33 ft. Plate VIII.—Saïìßìrtana orthe religious procession of Chaitanya. Reproduced from paintings in lacquer on wooden board measuring 1% ft. by ft. meant to be a book cover, dated 1665 A. D. The two central figures are of Chaitanya and Nityananda. The head-dresses of their companions show them mostly to be Jain merchants. - - - - ... 1146 Plate IX.—Bala-Gopâla or the Child Krisna. Krisna is kept bound to a pillar on the right side of the picture on account of his mischief-making. But the divine child mysteriously appears on the left side to eat from a sacred plate which a sage (the guest of his mother) dedicates to his god. Krisna really was the god whom the sage worshipped not recognising Him in the child before him. The other figures in the picture are those of Jaśodă, Krisna’s mother, and her maids. The original painting measures 84 ft. by 3瑟ft。 — Plate X-Tūlā dande Krisma or Krisma weighed with a Tulasi leaf. Satyabhāmā, queen of Krisna, thought of her riches and was proud of them. Närada, the sage, came to her palace once and wanted a gift. The queen promised him whatever he would seek. Närada wanted Krisna himself. The queen was alarmed at this, but Närada relented at her importunities saying that he would release Krisna if his weight in gold be offered by the queen. The queen gladly agreed to this, but to her alarm she found that all the riches of her treasury fell short of the weight of 1170
পাতা:Vanga Sahitya Parichaya Part 1.djvu/১১০
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