INTRODUCTION. 55 may die of despair. The end has come. I beeseech thee, stay till thou seeest my death for love. She sacoons atcау. The maids—We entreat you, dear Rādhā, have patience. Look and see, it is not Krisna but a cloud. Why shed tears for an illusion? You are dying as a mad woman would. But how can we allow you to do so? O frenzied one, all your appeal has gone for nought. You have addressed a cloud. Krisna has not come. Oh why did we bring you to these bowers | If you die, we will die with you for grief. Lalitä–Soft . She has swooned away. What can we do now to bring her back to consciousness. Bisākhā–1 will recite the name of Krishna in her ears, and do you all sing praises of him. - All—(in chorus): Open your eyes, O Rädhā And see that your beloved Krişņa has come. She is in the arms of her maid Rupamanjari, and, at the mention of Krisna’s name, gradually recovers her senses. Rādhā–Who are you all here sitting by me! The maids—What say you? We are your friends. Do you not know us 2 Rādhā–Who am I that lie in your arms The maids—Why do you not know yourself 2 You are Rādhā, beloved of us all. Rādhā—Help my memory, I cannot recall. What Rādhā do you mean 2 The maids—You are our princess Rādhā, the daughter of king Brisa Bhānu. Rādhā—Why am I in this wood-land, and I a princess 2 The maids—You came here in quest of Krisna. Rādhā–O misery Where is my beloved gone * She swoons away again. The maids—Her condition is serious this time. May hap she will not live. Her garments are all loose, her ornaments have fallen off, her teeth are clenched, and the tongue is
পাতা:Vanga Sahitya Parichaya Part 1.djvu/৬৩
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