INTRODUCTION. 85 be abundantly found in our earlier ballads and poems. Sometimes the verbs sound strange in our ears, displaying a greater affinity to quaint Prakrita forms than to current Bengali, as in the lines “at” cox fan coin চারিযুগে মুঞি জীম” (p. 195) and “বনে বনে খেলা খেলম ক্ষণেক বাঘেতে চলম” (P. 198) Examples of archaic verbal forms as Goog, (p. 70) o, (p. 643) ভৈলন্ত, (p. 1829) খাইম, (p. 151) মরবু, (p. 58) মরো=মরিব, (p. 68) করম, (p. 65) BBBB SLS000S BBBBS BBBS BBBB SLLS 000S00S BBBS SLS 000S àost-asis of Iss of (p. 1329) isosie (p. 1417) are numerous. These have passed out of popular use, (a few of them only linger in the colloqiual dialects of the more backward villages of Bengal) thus proving Bengali to be a true daughter of Prakrit though our language has now assumed a highly Sanskritic vocabulary. The old poems abound in the loose Prakrit forms of all kinds of words—not merely verbs. The mode of spelling the words, too, is generally on the lines of Prakrit orthography. The reader will come across innumerable instances of such throughout the book. A few only are shown below:— পে আতি, ছে দিঅ', দিআ (p. 4) ভৈন=ভগিনী (p. 188) ইৎসা=ইচ্ছা, (p. 552) আউদর, (p. 549) কেহ্নে=কেন (p. 614) তন=স্তন, (p. 967) সেইটে=সে স্থানে (p. 1416) দুষ্ক=দুঃখ (p. 1417) সিগাল, (p. 659) পুপ্প, (p. 27) দপ্প (p. 20.) In the Vaisnava Padas the poets used to soften the words by disintegrating compound letters. Such as of and cofief for of (pp. 1016,1032, 1048) থীর for ক্ষীর (p. 1011) পবার for প্রবাল (p. 1011) দারিদ for দরিদ্র (p. 103) থল for স্থল (p. 1032) বজর for বজ্র, পতিবরত for পতিব্রতা (p. 1064) দুরজন for দুৰ্জ্জন (p. 1049) কটাখ for কটাক্ষ (p. 1008) দরপন for দৰ্পণ (p. 1050) বিছুরিল for বিস্তুত হইল (p. 1049) শাঙন for প্রাবণ (p. 8068) আঘণ for অগ্রহায়ণ (p. 1054) লেহ for স্নেহ (p. 1036). A great number of archaic and now obsolete forms of pronouns are found in the different cases. Some of these are shown below:— First Person, Nom. Sing.–cal p. 8. xx 2x >>, আক্ষি 576, 519, 614, 682, 688, 646, 647, 661, 652, 653, 657, 692. 22 22,,,, qfqa pp 620, 632, 654, 647, 704. Do. plu. আহ্মরা (p. 648) আমী আদি (p. 622). Accusative, Sing. *sūl pp. 647, 650, onto, pp. 56, 708, 1702, of pp. 38, 602. Cosso and Costs of course occur very frequently. Do. Genitive sing wf*if* pp. 179, 579, 589, 614, 616, 617, 650, 652, 657. Do. মোহর pp. 617, 646, 960.
পাতা:Vanga Sahitya Parichaya Part 1.djvu/৯৩
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