বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (তৃতীয় খণ্ড)/১৬৯

শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ
কমিউনিটি উন্নয়ন ও স্থানীয় সরকারের প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক ব্যবস্থা বাংলাদেশ সরকার পরিকল্পনা সেল ............১৯৭১



 The local self-governing bodies, village Panchayets, the Union Board, Thana Coordination Body, District Board-shall be integrated with the Community Development Projects. These local self-governing bodies seem to be the appropriate institutional mechanisms for this purpose.

 The fundamental assumption on which the whole edifice of local self-governing bodies are based is that good government is no substitute for self-government. It begins by admitting the obvious fact that all problems are not central in their incident, and that to leave to the Central Government the decision of problems which affect only a portion of the Community is to destroy in that portion the sense of responsibility and the habit of inventiveness. The inhabitants of a given area need a consiousness of a common purpose, a sense of the needs of the neighborhood, which only they can fully know. They then find that the power to satisfy them of themselves gives to them a quality of vigour far greater in the happiness it produces than would be the case if satisfaction were always provided by, or controlled from, without. Because administrations firm without lacks the vitalizing ability to be responsible to local opinion; it misses shades and expressions of thought which are urgent to successful government. It lacks the genius of the place. It does no elicit creative support from those over whom it rules. It makes for mechanical uniformity, an effort to apply similar rules to unsimilar things. It is too distant from the thing to be done to awaken interest from those concerned in the process of doing it. Centralized management of local affairs may well provoke indignation, and it can never elicit creative support which constitutes ethics of Local Self-Government and Community Development.

Some problems:

 1. The Area: The area of Local Self-Government should be as small as possible.

 2. Constitution of local bodies at the village and district level.

  a) (i) Village Panchaycts, headed by member elected from that village forth Union Board, to be responsible for all village level development and administrative functions.

  (ii) The Base Workers, trained in Youth Camp, will work in their own villages in a locally organized Rural Development Programme.

  (b) Union Board to consist of 10 to 15 members directly elected by the people on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise,

 (c) Thana Co-ordination Body: Thana level co-ordination to consist of the Chairman of the Union Board within the Thana for co-ordination.

 (d) The District Board to consist of such members as the population of each district would warrant. They be elected directly by the people on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise.

 (I) The Chairman of the District Board to be the first citizen of the district. He may be given the status of a Deputy Minister

3. Functions:

(a) Statutory and routine functions,
(b) Development Work-Community Development

4 Committee System:

5. Finances:

(a) Local Taxation
(b) Government Gram
(c) Development Grant

6. Relations with the Central Government.

7. Local Self-Government Civil Service:

(a) Recruitment
(b) Local Bodies to have full and complete control on the offices working under them.
(c) Pay and other conditions of services.

8. A cadre of reconstruction workers-wholly devoted to Community Development.