বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (তৃতীয় খণ্ড)/১৮

শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ
স্বারাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রীর সাথে একটি সাক্ষাৎকারের বিবরণ হিন্দুস্তান টাইমস, নয়াদিল্লী ২০ মে, ১৯৭১

Interview report of Bangladesh Home Minister, Mr. A. H. M. Kamaruzzaman

on May 20,1971

 The Pakistan military junta has failed to restore civil administration in areas under its control in Bangladesh despite desperate efforts and it would never be able to do so, the Bangladesh Home Minister Mr. A.H.M. Kamaruzzaman, told UNI in an interview.

 “The former civil servants of Bangladesh have vowed not to support the occupational force, for every citizen in Bangladesh considers the army action as an attack on his legitimate right to live as a free citizen of a free nation.”

 If the Pakistani claim of normalcy in Bangladesh was true why was it still barring international organizations and bodies from Bangladesh, he asked. The Pakistani rulers were concocting stories to hide the real state of affairs in Bangladesh from the outside world. “They know if any impartial body is allowed into Bangladesh, the mischievous propaganda and designs will stand revealed.”

 Regarding Pakistani propaganda that the troops had to intervene to put down racial and communal riots, he said the liberation war was not against any religion.

 “Our struggle is not opposed to Islam. The value and teachings of Islam shall be preserved. The values and teachings of other religions shall also be protected. We envisage a State which is free of exploitation. Our aim is to establish an egalitarian and classless society in which there will be no barrier between man and man, irrespective of his caste, color and creed.”

 “Those who accept Bangladesh as their motherland and are connected with the liberation war are our brothers. Those who are playing the role of quislings, whatever their religion are our enemies, and the enemies of Bangladesh. They shall be tried by people’s courts.”

 he said: “The only solution to Pakistan’s difficulties in Bangladesh is to withdraw its troops and transfer power to the people of Bangladesh.”

 The Bengalis of Bangladesh could never form one nation with the people of West Pakistan by any political or economic standard.

 The atrocities committed by the troops had no parallel in history. “Our innocent children have been killed, the modesty of our womenfolk has been outraged and our houses have been destroyed.”

 The whole scheme of the occupation army appeared to be to drive out Bengali from their homeland to maintain the fiction of Bangladesh being part of Pakistani nation.

 The people of Bangladesh have heroically resisted this attempt and shall continue to resist.

 As declared in the Awami League manifesto, the administration of Bangladesh Government would not only be “people-based", but would also before of corruption and bureaucracy.
