বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড)/৪২
শিরোনাম | সূত্র | তারিখ |
বাংলাদেশ প্রশ্নে পাকিস্তানের সাথে কোনো আলোচনা হবে না: জাতিসংঘে ভারতের স্থায়ী প্রতিনিধির ঘোষণা | দৈনিক ‘স্টেটসম্যান’ | ৭ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১ |
U.N.II.Q. Oct. 6-India has firmly rejected any bilateral negotiations on the problem of Bangladesh on the ground that it is entirely of Pakistan’s own making, says PTI.
India’s permanent representative at the U.N. Mr. Samar Sen, made this clear yesterday in a rejoinder at the General Assembly to counter certain allegations made by the leader of the Pakistani delegation, Mr. Mahmud Ali, in his speech earlier.
Mr. Sen said the problem of Bangladesh was one between East and West Pakistan. “We do not wish to come into it”, he declared.
“We cannot come into it and we should not come into it. Those who believe that Indian cooperation in this field necessary, should realize that while cooperation with a neighbor is always to be welcomed, no one can expect India to cooperate with Pakistan in a partnership to continue the massacre, to tolerate the extinction of human rights, to make a mockery of self-determination about which Pakistan never fires of speaking in relation of Kashmir and in perpetrating massive brutalities.”
The India External Affairs Minister Mr. Swaran Singh was present, but Mr. Sen made the statement on behalf of India.
Mr. sen denied as baseless the allegation made by Mr. Ali, first at a Press conference and later in the General Assembly, that India had fired 1,000 shells across the border at Agartala on September 29 and read a telegram received from New Delhi which said that, in fact, it was West Pakistan's armed forces that has been shelling Indian territory and killing the people over the past several weeks.
India had made 400 complaints, the telegram said.
Mr. Sen said the allegation had been made by Mr. Ali in an attempt to justify Pakistan's aggressive action.
In his speech the Pakistani delegate had sought to equate the situation in Bangladesh with that in Kashmir. He alleged that a million refugees had fled Kashmir and charged that India had refused to establish conditions which would enable them to return.