বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড)/৫৪
শিরোনাম | সূত্র | তারিখ |
পশ্চিম জার্মান টেলিভিশনে প্রচারিত প্রতিরক্ষামন্ত্রী জগজীবন রামের সাক্ষাৎকার | দৈনিক স্টেটসম্যান | ২৭ অক্টোবর, ১৯৭১ |
OCTOBER 26, 1971
Following is a report on the interview:
Q.-During the absence of the Prime Minister, how close is India to war?
A.-Our intentions have been always peaceful. We do not want war. This is why the Prime Minister decided to keep up her engagements in foreign countries. If war comes, the responsibility will be entirely Pakistan’s.
Q.-Recently you said: “It war comes, it will be fought on Pakistani soil, and we will go straight to Lahore and stay there whatever the consequences,” Don’t you think that, with this remark, you put in doubt the defensive posture of your Prime Minister?
A.- Not at all. We are always defensive, but (being) defensive does not mean that it our country is attacked, we will fight only on the border or on my soil. Defense, means that I will push the aggressors and, certainly, when I push them I will push them in their country, and I will push them to the point where they surrender. It does not mean aggression.
I have always said that we don’t want war. In case we are attacked certainly we will defend our country, but defense does not mean fighting just on the border but pushing the aggressor inside (his territory).
Q.-How do you view the present build-up of troops on the border?
A.-You know the origin of the whole dispute. I don’t know how we can be held responsible for anything that is happening or that may happen..... it (the crisis in East Bengal) would have been none of our business if he (Gen. Yahya Khan) had not pushed nearly 9.5 million of his citizens to India with a mischievous design to break the economy of India and to create social tensions here.
Apart from that, he threatened us with a total war in case the freedom fighters of Bangladesh succeeded in liberating certain areas of East Bengal.
Now, if the freedom-fighters liberate certain areas, why should we be punished? And, in order to follow up his declarations he sends his troops from cantonments to border areas. Now, any Defense Minister of any country, in order to safeguard the security of his country and borders, will certainly take measures to ward off the threat.
Q.-How do you rate the combat strength of the Pakistanis vis-à-vis the strength of the army under your command?
A.-The combat strength of India is far, far superior to that of Pakistan.
Q.-In the event of war, how long do you think will it take-what is you assessment?
A.-It is very difficult to say (anything) about these matters. In the present age. any decisive war is very difficult: war continues and the powers of the world come and try for a cease-fire.
Q.-How do you assess the border situation?
A.-The troops of the two countries are concentrated on both sides of the border. Obviously, the border situation is grave, and I would not like to say much because the massive movement of Pakistani troops has created a situation in which we had no alternative but to move our troops also. When the troops are confronting each other across the border, the situation is serious and grave.