বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড)/৮৬
শিরোনাম | সূত্র | তারিখ |
বাংলাদেশকে অস্ত্রসহ সকল প্রকার সাহয্যদানের দাবীর প্রশ্নে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার এবং বিরোধী নেতাদের ঐকমত্য | দি স্টেটসম্যান | ৭ মে, ১৯৭১ |
State Assembly will Demand:
By Our Special Representative
The Government and the Opposition Parties in the West Bengal Assembly reached unanimity on a resolution on Bangladesh on Thursday. It will be a Government resolution to be moved by the Chief Minister, Mr. Ajoy Mukherji and seconded by the Leader of the Opposition. Mr. Jyoti Basu, on Friday.
Condemning “the hellish genocide committed by the Pakistan military cliqe on the 75 million people of Bangladesh the resolution will demand that the Union Government immediately recognize the sovereign Democrat Republic of Bangladesh and give it all necessary help including supply of arms.
The draft of the resolute on says that longer the delay in taking these measures the greater would be the suffering of the Bangladesh people. The assembly, it says, appeals to the people of West Bengal to put pressure on the Central Government to concede these demands. It also urges for all necessary measures to provide accommodation and relief to the Bangladesh evacuees.
On Thursday the SUC leader, Mr. Subodh Banedrjee, took the initiative in securing an agreement between different political parties on the inclusion of the expression, “including supply of arms,” in the resolution. He met the Chief Minister, the Deputy Chief Minister, the Leader of the opposition, and the CPI leader. Mr. Biswanath Mukherjee, separately and then arranged a meeting of all these leaders. The unanimity on the resolution was reached at that meeting.
It is learnt that the CPI put pressure on some major partners of the Democratic Coalition to agree to the inclusion of “supply of arms” in the resolution. The attitude of the Muslim League, another partner of the Coalition forwards, Bangladesh and its Government, has not yet been stated publicly.