বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড)/৯৪
শিরোনাম | সূত্র | তারিখ |
শরণার্থীদের ভেতরে বাংলাদেশ বিরোধীদের তৎপরতা চলছে বলে আসামের মন্ত্রীর বিবৃতি | দৈনিক ‘হিন্দুস্তান স্ট্যাণ্ডার্ল্ড’ | ২০ জুন, ১৯৭১ |
From Our Shillong Office
June 18. -“Some interests are pulling strings from a distance to produce evacuee batting with a view to creating anti-Bangladesh fixation in some areas of heavy evacuee influx. But processions they organized inadvertently betrayed their source when slogans of Yahya Khan Zindabad were shouted,” said Mr. K. P. Tripathi, Assam Finance Minister, in a statement to the press yesterday.
“The Government has not taken any action, but was keeping watch as a national emergency has not been declared”, he added.
“Neighboring State have asked for evacuee dispersal which the Government of India has accepted. This was not to ill-treat evacuees, but to ameliorate their condition on humanitarian grounds. But the ultimate solution of the problem does not lie in dispersal. It lies in enabling evacueces to go back home.” Mr. Tripathi continued.
“For this India has sent emissaries abroad to convince great Powers that conditions must be created in East Bengal so that evacuees may go back. Otherwise confrontation cannot be avoided. The problem is not a question of digesting 10 million refugees. The problem is the restoration of a democratic Government in Bangladesh.
“In the last war England and America fought for democracy. Now they are keeping mum when democracy is being crucified in Last Bengal.
“Ninety-nine per cent of the people of Bangladesh and Pakistan voted for autonomy of Bangladesh which the Pakistan military regime wants to crush with Hitlerite methods and inhuman cruelty. Should England and America which fought the last war to save democracy, watch on? Does it mean that democracy and human rights are a consideration in the civilized world only when the conflict is between Germany and England and such considerations are not there when it becomes a conflict between two wings of the same country?”
“The question arises whether democracy and human rights will form points of consideration for an intervention in an internal conflict.”
“India is getting involved in a conflict as a result of continuous pushing in of millions of refugees by the Pakistan army action. The matter is no longer a mere occurrence in-side Pakistan. The consequence of what is happening inside Pakistan is inevitably drawing India into conflict.
“This question needs an immediate answer. Will India’s emissaries abroad get satisfactory reply?”